Points of Pride for Feb. 24-28, 2014

Biology students earn laurels at state-wide event

Undergraduate biology student Kalin Skinner won the individual student competition in her division of the Intercollegiate Range and Wildlife Plant Identification Competition at the 50th annual Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society meeting. Kalin also received recognition for identifying the greatest number of plants. Congratulations to the entire A&M-San Antonio Range and Wildlife Plant Identification team, including Kalin and three other biology students, for placing 1st in the team competition. Read more about the students who competed here.

Campus celebrates new faculty

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Brent Snow welcomed new full-time faculty members with a special luncheon on Friday, Feb. 21. New faculty for the 2013-2014 year include: Liset C. Leal-Vasquez, assistant professor of community health; Tamara J. Hinojosa, assistant professor of counseling; Kevin A. Barton, associate professional track of business; Corinna N. Ross, assistant professor of biology; Nancy J. Batch, lecturer in business; Joseph M. Simpson, lecturer in sociology; Sabina De Vries, assistant professor of counseling; Brenda G. Rushing, assistant professor of biology; Robert A. Burdwell, assistant professional track of computer information systems; Robert F. Alonzo, assistant professional track of criminology; Francis X. Galan, visiting assistant professor of history; Brenda I. Rowe, assistant professor of criminology (not present); and Jackson F. Ayers, assistant professor of English (not present). Of the thirteen new faculty members, eleven began teaching in the fall 2013 semester and two, Robert F. Alonzo and Francis X. Galan, started just this past January for the spring 2014 semester.
Welcome to Texas A&M University-San Antonio!

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Dr. Brent Snow, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs (far left), welcomed new full-time faculty members who joined Texas A&M-San Antonio for the 2013-2014 Academic Year. 

Professor draws lessons from challenging past

Dr. William Bush, department chair of humanities & social sciences and associate professor of history, is in high demand this week as an expert on the juvenile justice system in Texas. His book, Who Gets a Childhood?: Race and Juvenile Justice in Twentieth-Century Texas, explores the history where cases were often decided based on race and class. He first spoke at San Antonio College on Thursday, Feb. 27, sponsored by the Honors Academy. Read more about his presentation, "The 'School-to-Prison Pipeline': Where did it come from?," in the San Antonio College student newspaper, The Ranger. He has also been invited to speak on "Interdisciplinary Approaches to the 'School-to-Prison Pipeline'" at Texas A&M University on Saturday, Mar. 1, in College Station, as part of the "Childhood in the Humanities" symposium. The symposium is a single-day event sponsored by the Glasscock Critical Childhood Studies Seminar and the Texas A&M English department.

Highlight photo 2World Spay Day Pet Fair hosted on Main Campus

Texas A&M University-San Antonio hosted a World Spay Day Pet Fair on Tuesday, Feb. 25 on the Main Campus. The event was co-sponsored by the University Library and the Office of the President. Dr. Ferrier kicked off the event by welcoming guest speaker, Rebecca Viagran, Councilwoman for District 3, and discussed the importance of spaying and neutering pets for the community at large. Councilwoman Viagran discussed her grassroots effort to offer more mobile spay and neuter clinics in her district.

Gavin Nichols, director of grants and programs at the San Antonio Area Foundation, spoke about the Foundation's Talk About It! Campaign, which is a no-kill program for San Antonio pets and strays, and the positive impact that spaying and neutering pets has for the entire community.

Representatives from the Care.Adopt.Neuter. Program and SNAP, the Spay-Neuter Assistance Program, were on site from 1 to 5 p.m. to educate about the services they offer to the community. They also set up in the early morning to accept a total of 26 pets for spay/neuter procedures that day. Along with the opportunity to learn about pet care, they had several animals available for adoption. Missy's Haven Canine Rescue brought eleven dogs to campus and five of them found new homes with Jaguar families!

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Talking About It: Dr. Ferrier (right) welcomes Rebecca Viagran, City Councilwoman for District 3 (left), and Gavin Nichols, director of grants and programs at the San Antonio Area Foundation (middle), to Main Campus for World Spay Day.