Points of Pride for July 29-Aug. 1, 2014

Students benefit from a network of excellence

Congratulations to five A&M-SA bilingual education students for winning a total of $12,000 in scholarships from the Hispanic Women's Network of Texas (HWNT) at their annual awards event on June 21, 2014. The HWNT has worked to encourage Latina women to further their education for 10 years and awarded a total of $21,000 to this year's recipients, who ranged from recent high school graduates to Ph.D. candidates. The A&M-San Antonio awardees include three undergraduate students, Luz Maldonado, Liz Niemietz, and Evelyn Bushart, and two graduate students, Erika Aranguiz and Juanita Sepulveda. Read more about this year's HWNT scholarship awards here

A&M-SA hosts national cyber camp

Texas A&M University-San Antonio is proud to host an all-female CyberCamp next week, a premier cyber education program developed by CyberPatriot, the National Youth Cyber Education Program, to promote cyber education among high school students. The program was created to inspire students toward careers in cyber security or other STEM disciplines such as those offered through A&M-SA's Center for Information Technology & Cyber Security. Dr. Barbara Hewitt, assistant professor of computer information systems, is closely involved with the planning of this opportunity for high school girls. Read more about the camp in the San Antonio Business Journal. 

Providing a forum to direct the flow of San Antonio water

A&M-SA hosted a quarterly meeting of the Texas Water Development Board on Thursday, July 24. Senator Carlos Uresti and Dr. Maria Hernandez Ferrier attended the meeting, which was open to the public and led by Chairman Carlos Rubenstein. The San Antonio community was an active audience for proposed improvements to water systems, drinking water rehabilitations, and water conservation efforts. Read the board's full meeting agenda here