Follow-Up on Announcement of Reorganization


Dear Members of the A&M-SA Community:

Earlier this week, I announced a campus reorganization to enhance our student-focused value while achieving our strategic goals. The organization chart summarizing the realignment within divisions is available by clicking here. The white boxes reflect the changes in the reporting structure.

To support the changes, I have asked Dr. Eric Cooper to fill the role of Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management, effective May 15, 2018. A national recruitment effort is underway for the inaugural Vice President for Enrollment Management. Vice President of University Advancement Richard Ortega will chair the search committee.

To enhance our strategic goal to become a national model for student and academic success, we will install an additional temporary modular building that will be ready for occupancy by the start of the fall semester. The modular will serve as a one-stop center for students to enhance synergy for academic success, retention and time to degree. The following groups will relocate to the new modular:

  • Advising Center
  • Tutoring Center
  • Student Success Coaches

The Writing Center, meanwhile, will expand within the Central Academic Building. 

As we prepare to move into the new Science and Technology Building in July 2018, other campus moves are in the planning stages; stay tuned for further details. In addition, we continue to explore opportunities to highlight the heritage and culture of A&M-SA and our great city across campus. We installed new artwork in the cafeteria earlier this week, and we will be making artistic improvements in the Central Academic Building and Madla Building throughout the summer.

I look forward to seeing you at Commencement on May 18!

Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, President
Texas A&M University-San Antonio