Parking & Transportation Update

Members of the A&M-San Antonio Community:

The Office of Business Affairs would like to thank all those who participated in providing valuable feedback regarding parking and transportation services. A team of staff members from Auxiliary Services has been working tirelessly to gather input from our students as well as from other A&M System campuses to understand their approaches to parking and transportation services. The changes we are announcing today are based on all of this input, and they are designed to better serve our students while supporting the growth of our University.

Changes to Designated Parking Areas

A&M-SA will make the necessary changes to the designated areas for permit types. The map below details the changes to the parking lot structure:

parking map 
  • Parking marked in yellow will be designated for students, including commuters and residents.
  • Parking marked in blue will be designated for faculty and staff only.
  • Parking marked in lime green will be designated for residents only.
  • Motorcycle, ADA and Lot #2 visitor parking will remain where they are for the time being.
  • The numbers on the map represent the total spaces designated to each group mentioned. They do not include the number of motorcycle, ADA and visitor spaces.
  • The number and location of ADA spaces will remain the same.
Following are notable changes to the parking lot layout at our University:
  • The Temporary Lot will be repaired over the summer and re-striped from 8' to 9' per space (in width) to better serve the students who use it.
  • Three 30-minute unloading/loading zone parking spaces will be available at the front of Esperanza Hall. A resident parking permit is required to use these spaces. After you finish unloading/loading your items, you must move your car to a Resident Parking Space (see above in Lime Green) or you will be subject to receiving a citation.

New Parking Rates

A&M-SA makes every effort to keep parking rates as low as possible. Our $60 annual rate is no longer financially sustainable, so we will implement new rates beginning August 1, 2018.

It is important to note that the University's parking program is a self-support state program. This means that it must generate enough revenue to cover its operating expenses as well as the construction and maintenance expenses of the parking lots and structures on campus. The State of Texas prohibits the use of tuition money toward parking operations, and the parking program's primary source of revenue must come from parking permit sales to students, employees and guests.

This rate increase is essential as we prepare the campus to construct additional parking spaces to meet anticipated future demand. To meet growing campus demand for parking, Lot #3 (1,067 additional spaces) was constructed and opened in 2017. This lot more than doubled available parking on campus. To support the continuing growth of the campus, the University will soon begin planning for a fourth parking lot.

Starting August 1, 2018, the following new parking permit costs will take effect:


Time Period
Fall 2018
August 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019
Spring 2019
January 1, 2019 - August 31, 2019
Academic Year 2018-19
August 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019

Note: Student Spring 2019 and Academic Year 2018-19 permits purchased will be honored during the entire Summer 2019 semester. 


Time Period
Payroll deduction
Fall 2018
August 1, 2018 - January 31, 2019
Spring 2019
January 1, 2019 - May 31, 2019
Academic Year 2018-19
August 1, 2018 - May 31, 2019
Summer 2019
May 1, 2019 - August 31, 2019
Fiscal Year
August 1, 2018 - August 31, 2019

For the time being, the slip lanes down One University Way and Verano Parkway will remain free to anyone who wishes to use them.

A motorcycle parking pass will be given to those who purchase any parking permit (with the same time period as the regular permit) upon request.

New Transportation Department

We are creating a new transportation department to accommodate the growth of our University. This department will be in charge of handling parking permits beginning fall 2018. Please note that A&M-San Antonio Police Department will no longer handle parking permits beginning this fall. In addition, the new department will manage citations on campus as well as oversee the development of future parking lots/structures along with various new transportation methods. The new department will be located in Central Academic Building, Room 117. It will share the window with Mail & Receiving for all parking- and transportation-related matters.

Additional Updates

We are actively working with our community partners to enhance VIA bus services and VIATrans to better aid our students who use these services.

We will also be working with vendors to provide a carpool and vanpool matching service for students, faculty and staff.

The University hosted a bike share community discussion on April 25 to begin collaborating with the A&M-SA community and help bring a bike share program to our campus. We are researching possible vendors with a team created from that discussion.

We will provide more information on parking and transportation as we finalize the projects mentioned above. If you would like to provide additional feedback or have a question about the new parking updates, please direct all messages to Christian Harmon via email or (210) 784-2039.