Jaguar Business Consulting Lab Earns Praise from Business Owner

imageBusiness Consulting Lab students in field study. 

Jaguar Business Consulting Lab, led by Dr. Amy Lewis, chair of the Department of Management and Marketing in the College of Business, received hearty gratitude and praise from another San Antonio business owner! 

Senior students attending Jaguar Business Consulting Lab through their experiential learning hours recently completed a project on Black Stallion Boxing Gym (BSB+). Under the guidance of Dr. Weixing Ford, the students worked diligently on the industry analysis, market research and customer insights. They provided the BSB+ leadership team with numerous creative, effective and practical solutions to help enhance the business's customer satisfaction and expand its client base. After students' presentations, the founder and CEO of BSB+, Tony Adeniran, raved about the values he got from the students' consulting: "...I feel that I really should pay you guys for the brilliant ideas!" This is another great story of how our business students successfully applied what they have learned here to solve real-world business problems! 

Dr. Ford and the students would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Edwin Blanton and Krystina Irvin of the Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement, as well as Dr. Mary Kay Cooper, director of Alumni Affairs, for their help recruiting BSB+ to participate in the project.