Thank You for an Extraordinary 10th Anniversary Celebration


Thank You for an Extraordinary 10th Anniversary Celebration

Dear A&M-San Antonio Community,

Yesterday, we commemorated A&M-San Antonio's 10th anniversary as a standalone institution, celebrated a major gift and broke ground for a new building. We welcomed friends, donors, elected officials and the media from across the state. We were privileged to also hear from some of the contemporaries of Sen. Frank Madla and the personal stories that led to the vision for this University. Those of you who were able to attend also saw first-hand the enthusiasm for this institution and the shared pride in the collective efforts that led to the founding of the University - it was an exceptional day. I could not be prouder of our students, faculty and staff. 

Events such as these are moments for us to celebrate together with those that champion the University, support our students and faculty and advocate for the future of this institution. The planning, execution and hosting of these events required an audacious team. By its definition, "audacious" speaks to boldness, inventiveness and liveliness. Yesterday, these attributes were on display across our campus as well as your creativity through a collective of talent, expertise and hard work from across the University, including the Office of the President, Advancement, Marketing and Communications, Facilities and Student Affairs. 

As we prepare for Commencement later this week, we are also reminded that such moments are also times to pause and reflect on the continued impact each of you has on the lives of our students, as well as our region and state of Texas. I hope that you recognize the important role you play and will continue to play in the education of and service to our students, alumni and the future of A&M-San Antonio.

Warm Regards,
Cynthia Teniente-Matson