Our Sympathies to Jaguar Family Member, Brenda Johnson

Dear Friends of the University, 

It is with a heavy heart that I share the sad news that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit very close to home for our Jaguar Family. There are no words to adequately describe the sadness we feel on behalf of this very dear member of our University community, Brenda Johnson, whose father, Adolph (T.J.) Mendez became the first to die in Comal County due to complications of the virus.

Many of you may know Brenda, a psychology major who became a member of our Jaguar Family in fall 2017. She is a co-founder of the Jaguarettes and a valued team member in the Office of the President, having been a student worker in our office for the past three years.

Brenda has stepped in to help support and guide her family through this difficult time. She carries a heavy burden, which is made more difficult because she cannot be with her family, as she must also be in self-quarantine. We are not able to express our support to Brenda in person, as she has not been on campus since before Spring Break.

I ask that you join me in expressing sympathies and positive thoughts in the coming days during her time of need. Details about a memorial service will be available later this semester.



Cynthia Teniente-Matson