NSF Grant Projects

Goals and Objectives

The goal of this project (RETAIN) is to increase the retention and transfer from two-year to four-year institution of Hispanic and Hispanic females in computing and cyber security. RETAIN proposes a multipronged approach to inspire, increase, educate and retain a large underrepresented pool to pursue degrees for careers in computing and cyber security, a discipline in which there is an acute national demand of professionals.

The objectives of the project are to:

  1. Broaden, scaffold and strengthen the pipeline of Hispanic students, including women, entering the field of computing and cyber security.
  2. Develop an innovative CS undergraduate curriculum with cyber security integrated throughout the curriculum, to meet the demands of the workforce.
  3. Increase the retention rates of Hispanic students, including women.
  4. Strengthen the marketability of graduating students by providing them with a Certificate in cyber security education.

 The anticipated outcomes of RETAIN are an increase in the number of students who are enrolled, and those who remain enrolled in computing and cyber security disciplines, especially women. Table 1 indicates the anticipated number of A&M-SA, LCC and SAC students participating in years 2 and 3 of RETAIN. Year 1 will be for planning and setup and may result in incidental student participation.