
Megan Wise de Valdez, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biology
Biology Program Coordinator

Central Academic Building 313F
(210) 784-2218

Personal Website

Volunteer to participate in phase two of A&M-San Antonio’s mosquito research


Dr. Megan Wise de Valdez is an Associate Professor of Biology and the Program Coordinator for the Biology program.  She has been with A&M-SA since August of 2010. Prior to coming to A&M-SA, Dr. Wise conducted her post-doctoral research at Colorado State University where she developed and carried out trials to investigate the efficacy of transgenic mosquitoes in reducing populations of the mosquito that transmits Dengue viruses.  Dr. Wise earned her Ph.D. at Colorado State in 2005 studying parasite-induced behavioral alterations of mosquito larvae and her Master’s degree in 1998 from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln where she studied the ecology and transmission dynamics of a leech-gregarine host-parasite relationship.  Dr. Wise remains interested in vector ecology and behavior; she teaches a popular upper-division course in this special topic.  In addition, she is currently involving undergraduates in a collaborative research program with the University of New Mexico on parasite-induced behavioral alterations in a host-parasite system of horsehair worms (Nematomorpha) and their cricket hosts.  Dr. Wise also takes students to an annual regional scientific meeting: Southwestern Association of Parasitology at the University of Oklahoma Biology Station where some will get the opportunity to present the research they conduct.   Dr. Wise is the Biology Club advisor.


Genetics, Invertebrate Zoology, Economic Entomology, Parasitology, and Biology of Disease Vectors.  

Curriculum Vitae