Health Professionals Advisory Committee

Applying for an HPAC Mock Interview or Letter

HPAC provides mock interviews and letters of recommendation (LORs) to qualified pre-health students.  Because these services are time-consuming, to receive them, students must apply.  The basic structure of the HPAC application packet is described in Section II B of the HPAC Handbook.  Similarly, the criteria by which applications are assessed are described in Section IX B of the HPAC Handbook.  Please note, that the decision to apply to HPAC for a mock interview and/or LOR should be made in consultation with your HPAC Advisor.  Applications are time-consuming for students to produce and time-consuming for faculty to review.  Therefore, HPAC discourages the submission of applications by students who have not been encouraged to do so by their HPAC Advisor

Below, you will find links to the documents required to complete an HPAC application for a mock interview and/or LOR.  In addition, you will find a link to the rubric that HPAC uses to assess the applications it receives. 

Please adhere to the following instructions/guidelines when applying to HPAC for a mock interview and/or LOR.
  1. Make sure that your HPAC Advisor is supportive of your application.
  2. Check the HPAC website or with Dr. Chris Mares ( as to the application deadline for the semester in which you would like to receive a mock interview and/or LOR.
  3. Consult Section II B and Section IX B of the HPAC Handbook to ensure that you understand the various components of the packet and how it will be assessed. You are also strongly encouraged to consult the application rubric (linked above).
  4. Complete each component of your application and compile them into a single PDF that contains the components in the following order (please consult with your HPAC advisor if you need help compiling your PDF).
    1. Guided highlights form
    2. Signed waiver (must contain an original signature)
    3. Curriculum vitae
    4. Transcripts
    5. Personal statement
  5. Submit your PDF to Dr. Chris Mares ( as an email attachment. The priority deadline is February 12th, 2024.