College Of Education and Human Development

Dr. Mariya Davis
Research interests include the transition of students with disabilities into post-school environments, collaboration, assessment, student empowerment, family engagement, and professional development.
Dr. Theresa Garfield
Focuses primarily on accessibility, assistive technology, advocacy, efficacy, and teacher and leader development.
Dr. Sarah Katz
Research and practice focus primarily on autism spectrum disorders (ASD), early childhood, and teacher education strategies.
Dr. Eric Lopez
Research interests include multicultural assessment, intervention, and consultation.
Armando Tejeda
Focuses primarily on the development of pre-service Special Education teachers, Adult Education, Leadership, and Social Justice.
Dr. Gavin Watts
Current areas of research include cross-age tutoring models to for early academic and social skills, no/low-cost behavioral interventions for students with emotional-behavioral disorders, and effective pre-service teacher preparation and evaluation.