Special Education Program

M.Ed. in Special Education is a versatile graduate degree offered in the Department of Educator and Leadership Preparation, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, a proud Hispanic- serving and military-serving institution! The goal of the program is for graduates to develop the skills to engage in serving and advocating for children with special needs and their families at school, district, local, and national levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What specialization areas are available for the M.Ed. in Special Education?

The Special Education program offers students a choice of three specialization areas:Assessment (Educational Diagnostician Certification)Autism/Emotional-Behavioral Disorders Instructional Specialist (Learning Disabilities Interventionist)

Q2: What is unique about your graduate program?

M. Ed. in Special Education is a versatile graduate degree that:provides students with a comprehensive education in relation to serving students with special needs from infancy to adulthood;offers students a broad understanding within the theoretical and practical constructs which support practices for children and youth with special needs that are socially, culturally, and individually appropriate;offers opportunities for action research in classroom settings; and emphasizes practical application of knowledge gained while encouraging current research analysisThe special education professional will be afforded various opportunities to work with students, their families, other professionals, and the community to enable students with special needs become productive members of the society. Additionally, students within the graduate program take advantage of a wide range of research opportunities, allowing them to work closely with faculty on special education initiatives that directly impact the field. Therefore, the Special Education program focuses on developing knowledge and skills of future both certified and non-certified professionals who work with diverse exceptional student populations. In addition, the program offers students an opportunity to pursue teacher certification along with a graduate degree. The program continually produces some of the most qualified educators and leaders in our field.

Q3: Do you offer scholarships and/or assistantships for your graduate students?

Graduate scholarships are available through the College of Education and Human Development. Candidates are required to submit an application to be considered. A limited number of graduate assistantships are offered each year.

Q4: What resources are available for graduate students?

TAMUSA provides students with writing center support, individualized tutoring, test/exam reviews, among other resources. Additionally, courses are provided in mix of face-to-face (i.e., classroom), hybrid, and online learning environments, as well as opportunities to work hands-on with faculty members in research settings.

Q5: What is the TExES EC-12 Special Education certification exam pass rate by A&M San Antonio special education program graduates?

TAMUSAs Special Education department has produced graduates that have completed the TEA exam with a 100% pass-rate over the past 8 years.

Q6: Is there a final exam, thesis/dissertation, or final research project for the program?

Currently, graduating candidates are responsible for completing a comprehensive portfolio as part of their graduation requirement. This portfolio is comprised of learning projects/activities/reflections completed throughout their coursework. Additionally, there is a graduate research paper that is a culminating requirement for EDSE 5301.

Q7: What is the cost for the program?

The cost of attending and completing the Special Education M.Ed. program at TAMUSA is less than most other universities in Texas, providing students the greatest value in San Antonio and the greater Texas-area. While keeping the costs to students low, TAMUSA remains focused on developing the highest-quality special education leaders in the state.

Q8: What is the faculty’s selection criteria in making decisions about admitting students into the program?

During the interview, the following items are taken into consideration:- Teaching/Service Record- Skills/Experiences- Ethics- Communication skills- Motivation/Vision