Water Resources Science & Technology

WATER Publications and Presentations

Latest Ebook Section
Internet for Water - E-Books
Connecting-Texas-Water-Data-Workshop Rosen, Rudolph A. and Susan V. Roberts. 2018. Connecting Texas Water Data Workshop. Institute for Water Resources Science and Technology, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78224. (ISBN-13: 978-0-9986645-4-5) 
Latest Ebook Section
National Science Foundation Water-Energy-Food Nexus Series - E-Books
Water Energy Food Rosen, Rudolph A., Bassel Daher, and Rabi H. Mohtar. 2018. Water-Energy-Food Nexus Stakeholder Information Sharing and Engagement Workshop. The Texas A&M University System, College Station, TX. (ISBN-13: 978-0-9986645-3-8)
Book Sections
The Texas Water Roadmap Series - E-Books
2016 Texas Water Roadmap Forum Rosen, Rudolph A. 2017. 2016 Texas Water Roadmap Forum: Workforce Education, Data, and Research. Institute for Water Resources Science and Technology, Texas A&M University–San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. [ISBN:  978-0-9986645-0-7]
Water Forum & Tech Roadmap Mohtar, Rabi and Rudolph Rosen. 2015. Resource Nexus: Water, Energy, Food: Water Forum and Technology Roadmap. The Texas A&M University System, College Station, TX. [ISBN: 978-0-9986645-1-4]
A Race Against Time Rosen, Rudolph A. 2015. Texas Water Technology Roadmap Forum. Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, Texas State University, TX. [ISBN: 978-0-9986645-2-1]


Dr. Rudy Rosen

Rosen, R A., L.A. Cifuentes, J. Fischer, H. Marquise, J. C. Tracy. (In Review). Water Security for Texas: A Post-Secondary Education Pathway for the Water Workforce. Texas Water Journal.

Rosen, R.A., R Mohtar, L.A. Cifuentes, S. Frayser, G. Hustvedt, W. Patrick, C. Ragland, S.V. Roberts, J.Vanegas, C. Wall, and J. Wall. 2017. The route to water security for Texas: The 2015–2016 Texas water roadmap forums. Texas Water Journal 8(1):116-123.  Texas Water Journal

Rosen, R.A., E. Scanlon, and J. Smith. 2017. Future water stewardship and fact-based water policy: an aquatic science education pathway model.  XVIth International Water Resources Association World Water Congress. May 30, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Rosen, R. A., E. Scanlon, and J. Smith. 2016. Aquatic science education pathway from headwaters to ocean is a model for place-based experiential learning for protecting and stewarding Gulf states’ freshwater and marine resources. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 66, p. 475–485.


Dr. Walter Den

Lu, B.-H., M. Lee, S.-T. Chen, C.-H. Chen, J. Luo, W. Den (2018). Strategic Optimization of Water Reuse in Wafer Fabs via Multi-Constraint Linear Programming Technique, Water-Energy Nexus, 1(1): 86-96. (click to download Publication)

Den, W., C.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Luo (2018). “Revisiting the Water-Use Efficiency Performance for Microelectronics Manufacturing Facilities: Using Taiwan’s Science Parks as a Case Study,” Water-Energy Nexus, 1(2): 116-133. (Click to download)




Rosen, R A., L.A. Cifuentes , J. Fischer , H. Marquise , J. C. Tracy. 2018. A Post-Secondary Education Pathway for the Water Workforce. Presented at the Biannual meeting of the South Central Texas Water Research Interest Group. June 5, Canyon Lake, TX.

Rosen, R.A. 2018. The Continued Assault on the Definition of “Waters of the U.S.” Presented at the Fight or Flight Speaker Series, Texas A&M University-San Antonio Environmental Club and Justice Society. April 23, San Antonio, TX.

Rosen, R.A., E. Scanlon, and J. Smith. 2017. Future water stewardship and fact-based water policy: an aquatic science education pathway model.  Presented at the XVIth International Water Resources Association World Water Congress. May 30, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. 

Rosen, R.A. 2017. Natural Resources and Utilities. 9th Annual Institute for Leadership in Capital Projects Forum. May 7, Austin, TX.

Rosen, R.A. 2017. Report on the 2016 Texas Water Roadmap Forum. Presented at the Texas Aquifer Conference. May 3, Austin, TX.

Rosen, R. A. 2017. Building a Roadmap for Texas Water Security, Research, Outreach, and Education: The Texas Water Roadmap Forums. Presented at the South Central Section Geological Society of America 51st Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 49, No. 1, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017SC-289545, March 13, San Antonio, TX.

Rosen, R. A. and J. Smith. 2017. STEM Pathway for Aquatic Science: Experiential Learning In and Out of Classrooms. 10th Annual Texas STEM Conference, January 19-20, Dallas, TX.

Rosen, R.A. 2016. A Water Education Pathway: Texas Aquatic Science. Biannual meeting of the South Central Texas Water Research Interest Group. December 1, San Antonio, TX.

Rosen, R.A. 2016. Marine/Aquatic Science Education and Integrating Formal and Informal Education and Outreach Opportunities: The Texas Aquatic Science Pathway. Global Marine Sustainability Symposium and Workshop, Marine Education Opportunities - Achieving the right mix: overseas students, in-country needs, and informal education and outreach. September 20, Oban, Scotland.

Rosen, R. A., E. Scanlon, and J. Smith. 2016. Aquatic science education pathway from headwaters to ocean is a model for place-based experiential learning for protecting and stewarding Gulf states’ freshwater and marine resources. 66th Annual Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Convention and 63rd Annual Gulf Coast Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology Meeting. September 20, Corpus Christi, TX. 

Rosen, R.A. 2016. The Making of the Texas Aquatic Science Curriculum.  Texas Aquatic Science Research Review Conference. August 4, San Marcos, TX.

Rosen, R.A. 2016. Empowering Tomorrow’s Water Science Savvy Citizens: A Formula for Success in Delivering Experiential Technology-Enhanced STEM Education. Keynote Address at the 2nd Annual Student Research Symposium, Texas A&M University – San Antonio, April 29-30, San Antonio, TX.

Rosen, R.A. 2016.  Texas Aquatic Science: An Experiential Education Pathway for Integrating Tech In and Outside the Classroom.  St. Edwards University Open Forum Seminar. March 9, Austin, TX.

Rosen, R.A. 2016. Texas Aquatic Science: An Aquatic Science Pathway for Tech In (and Outside) the Classroom. Presented at the Prairie View A&M University – College of Agriculture and Human Sciences Research Seminar Series, Prairie View A&M University, March 3, Prairie View, TX.