Wabi Sabi #582

Wabi Sabi #582

Wabi Sabi #582

The Work of Albert Gonzales

Albert Gonzales is a San Antonio based artist who has a wide variety of art work. He finds his inspiration in post WWII artists, but also finds himself inspired by the early masters of art such as Van Gogh. Albert is known for his bright colors and his Wabi Sabi philosophy, or the acceptance of imperfection.

Albert Gonzales
Wabi Sabi #582
Fine Art Print on Matte Archival Paper
Signed Albert Gonzales, inscribed (8/25)   
20 x 30 inches

Albert Gonzales is heavily influenced by the Japanese philosophy Wabi Sabi. The flowers are meant to represent ourselves, or to accept our imperfections and understand that they make us unique.