Wellness Release Time

The Wellness Release Time (WRT) Program allows full time-benefit eligible employees to utilize 30 minutes, up to 3 times a week during the employee's regular work hours, to exercise at the TAMUSA Rec Center or participate in the monthly wellness activities/events promoted by the Jaguar Strong - Get Fit Wellness Program authorized by System Regulations 31.02.13. Specific request addressing physical disability limitations will be reviewed by the program administrator. 

1.1 Wellness Release Time is paid time that does not have to be made up. It may not be accrued, carried over or banked. 

1.2 The Wellness Release Time Program is not considered working time for purposes of Worker's Compensation. Injuries that may occur during participation of Wellness Release Time will not be treated as work-related injuries.

1.3 Employees should discuss scheduling of Wellness Release Time activities with their supervisors, considering the individual employee's job duties and workload. Abuse of the privilege to participate in the Wellness Release Time Program may result in revoking the employee's participation in the program. Supervisors have the right to review records of employee's utilization of the TAMUSA Rec Sport Center and the Jaguar Strong - Get Fit Wellness Program to verify hours of involvement.

1.4 The employee must specify the weekdays(s) and time(s) of wellness activities in the application below. Any deviations from the approved schedule must be preapproved by the employee's direct supervisor. If an application is denied, the supervisor or department head must indicate the reason(s) for denial.

1.5 Each academic year (September 1 - August 31) the employee is responsible for securing the approval from their immediate supervisor and director/dean prior to participation in the Wellness Release Time Program by applying on the WRT Application.



- Employees and their supervisor should work together to establish an appropriate arrangement for the use of Wellness Release Time along with any applicable work schedules.

- Prior to participation in Wellness Release Time, employees are encouraged to consult with a physician before undertaking any physical activity program.

  - Eligible programs for Wellness Release Time: TAMUSA Rec Center and the Jaguar Strong - Get Fit Wellness Program.

*Please view the wellness program website for a schedule of monthly events at TAMUSA Jaguar Strong-Get Fit Wellness Program.

For any questions on future events, please reach out to the benefits and wellness team


Wellness Release Time FAQs

What programs are approved to utilize WRT?

Programs such as the TAMUSA Rec Center and the Jaguar Strong - Get Fit Program are eligible for wellness release time.

Jaguar Strong - Get Fit is a wellness program that host monthly events and offer resources for their employees. Please reach out to the benefits and wellness team for information on events at 


Do I have to submit my WRT hours into Workday? Does my utilization need to be tracked?

No, your Wellness Release Time progress will be tracked by the event/rec center coordinator (sign in sheets or ID Scan). Once you have submitted your form, you do not have to resubmit until the next fiscal year.

Is there any flexibility regarding when I must do my WRT?

Example: I put WRT on MWF from 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm.

- Yes, there is flexibility. Our recommendation is to put when you would generally want to take your WRT during operating hours and that you approve it with your supervisor.

Wellness Release Time Form