Women’s History Month: A Letter to My Mom

Maram Abdeljaber, a kinesiology major and Women’s Soccer athlete at A&M-San Antonio sat down for an interview during Women’s History Month to share her love and admiration for a woman in her life. 

Can you tell me about the woman who significantly impacted your life? 

My mom – Isela Abdeljaber - was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. Her father – Fidel Torres – was born in El Paso, and her mother – Micaela Torres – was born and raised in Juarez, Mexico. They both worked for the Levi maquiladora, and this is where they met. Mr. Torres was a quality control inspector, and Mrs. Torres was a material handler. My mom’s family was a traditional Mexican family where every weekend, they gathered at a tia or tio’s house. Mr. and Mrs. Torres were always working to provide for my mom and her two siblings, Albert and Edna. Despite being divorced, they always kept their kids a priority and maintained a great relationship.

What specific qualities or actions of this woman made such a strong impression on you? 

My mom upholds an endless number of qualities that make her so amazing to keep track of. For example, her unconditional love is unmatched. My mom loves me unconditionally, no matter what, providing a safe and nurturing environment for me to grow and thrive. Her patience is superior, for she navigates the ups and downs of parenthood with calmness and understanding. She empathizes with my feelings and experiences, showing compassion and support in times of need. My mom’s resilience in the face of challenges is truly astonishing, demonstrating strength and perseverance that I can admire and learn from. Overall, my mom embodies love, patience, empathy, understanding, and support, creating a nurturing and empowering environment for me to excel and maneuver in life.

In what areas of your life did her influence manifest the most?

I believe my mom's influence can be felt most in my personal life. My mom’s actions speak volumes and influence me on a personal level by modeling positive behaviors, values, and attitudes. Whether it is demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity, showing kindness and compassion towards others, or prioritizing self-care and personal growth, her actions inspire me to emulate these qualities in my own life. In addition, my mom encourages me to explore my interests, passions, and talents, fostering self-discovery on a personal level. Whether it is encouraging me to pursue my hobbies, try new experiences, or express myself creatively, my mom helps me develop a sense of identity and purpose that aligns with my strengths and aspirations. Most importantly, my mom embraces and celebrates my uniqueness, including my personality, interests, and identity, emphasizing affirmation on a personal level. By embracing my differences and encouraging me to be authentic to myself, my mom helps me develop a strong sense of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Looking back, how do you think this woman's impact on you has shaped the person you are today? 

My mom plays a significant role in shaping me into the woman I am today by instilling values, providing guidance, and serving as a role model. My mom has always –

Instilled Self-Confidence: She fosters my self-confidence by providing encouragement, praise, and support. She never fails to guide me in recognizing my strengths, talents, and worth, instilling a sense of self-assurance that empowers me to pursue my dreams and goals.

Encourages Ambition and Drive: My mom encourages me to dream big and set ambitious goals. She instills in me the belief that I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to, and she supports my aspirations, providing guidance and resources to help me succeed.

Promoted Education and Lifelong Learning: My mom always emphasized that education is key to personal and professional growth. My amazing mother states the importance of education and lifelong learning, encouraging me to excel academically, pursue my interests, and continuously expand my knowledge and skills.

Challenged Gender Stereotypes: My mother challenges traditional gender stereotypes and empowers me to defy societal expectations. She teaches me to embrace my identity, celebrate my uniqueness, and pursue my passions without limitation, regardless of gender norms.

Represented a Great Positive Role Model: Perhaps most importantly, my mom leads by example. She embodies the qualities and values she wants me to emulate, demonstrating strength, integrity, compassion, and resilience in her actions and choices.

Is there anything you wish you could tell her now, knowing what you know about her influence on your life? 

Dear Mom,

On this special day, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for everything you have done for me. Your love, guidance, and support have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am endlessly grateful for your presence in my life.

Thank you for being my rock, my confidante, and my biggest cheerleader through every triumph and challenge. Your unwavering belief in me has given me the strength and courage to pursue my dreams and overcome obstacles with determination.

Your wisdom, kindness, and selflessness inspire me daily to be a better person and make a positive difference in the world. Your unconditional love has been a constant source of comfort and reassurance, reminding me that I am never alone, no matter what life may bring.

Today and every day, we celebrate incredible women like you all around the world. You are my hero, my role model, and my greatest blessing. I am truly blessed to have you as my mom, and I cherish every moment we share. Thank you for being the most amazing mom in the world.

What message would you like to share with the world during Women's History Month? 

During Women's History Month, I would like to share a message of appreciation, recognition, and empowerment for all women worldwide. Let's celebrate the countless contributions that women have made throughout history in every field and aspect of society.

Let's honor the resilience, strength, and determination of women who have overcome barriers, shattered glass ceilings, and fought tirelessly for equality and justice.

Let's commit to creating a world where women are truly empowered, their voices are heard, their rights are respected, and their opportunities limitless.

Let's uplift and support one another, standing in solidarity to break down stereotypes, challenge discrimination, and build a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

This Women's History Month, let's celebrate past achievements, acknowledge the present struggles, and work together towards a future where every woman can thrive and fulfill her potential.