Water Resources Science & Technology

WateRST Coursework Guide for Bachelor of Science Degree

This following coursework schedule by semesters will help you stay on track to fulfill your coursework requirements to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in WateRST in four years. Note that this guideline only serves to help you mark your standing. You may plan your own coursework schedule, including enrolling in courses offered in the summer. 

Freshman Year, Fall Semester Schedule

Freshmen Year, Fall Semester

CategoryCourse title SCH
Core courseENGL 1301: Composition I3
HIST 1301: U.S. History to 18653
MATH 1314:  College-level Algebra (or MATH 1316: Trigonometry/MATH 2312: Pre-Calculus/MATH 2313: Calculus I)3
CHEM 1311: General Chemistry I3
Req'd Support CoursesCHEM 1111: General Chemistry Lab I1
JagTracks I1
Req'd Area CoursesWATR 1301: Introduction to Water Treatment3
Semester SCH17
Freshman Year, Spring Semester Schedule

Freshmen Year, Spring Semester

Course title 
Core CoursesHIST 1302: U.S. History since 18653
MATH 1342: Introductory Statistics3
CHEM 1312: General Chemistry II3
General Education (Language/Philosophy/Culture or Creative Arts)3
Req'd Support CoursesCHEM 1112: General Chemistry II Lab1
Req'd Area CoursesWATR 1302: Introduction to Wastewater Treatment3
Semester SCH16
Sophomore Year, Fall Semester Schedule

Sophomore Year, Fall Semester

CategoryCourse title SCH
Core CoursesENGL 2311: Technical Writing3
Req'd Support CoursesBIOL 1306: General Biology I3
BIOL 1106: General Biology I Lab1
GEOL 1301: Earth Sciences I3
GEOL 1101: Earth Sciences I Lab1
PHYS 1301: General Physics I3
JagTracks II1
Suggested ElectivesMATH 2313: Calculus I3
PHYS 1101: General Physics I Lab1
Semester SCH15 (req'd) + 4 (elect.)
Sophomore Year, Spring Semester Schedule

Sophomore Year, Spring Semester

CategoryCourse titleSCH
Core CoursesSPCH 1315: Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
ECON 2301: Principles of Macroeconomics3
Req'd Support CoursesBIOL 1307: General Biology II3
BIOL 1107: General Biology II Lab1
Req'd Area CoursesCHEM 2371: Water and Wastewater Chemistry3
CHEM 2171: Water and Wastewater Chemistry Lab1
Suggested ElectivesBIOL 2421: General Microbiology3
GEOL 1302: Earth Sciences II3
GEOL 1102: Earth Science II laboratory1
Semester SCH14 (req'd) + 7 (elect.)
Junior Year, Fall Semester Schedule

Junior Year, Fall Semester

CategoryCourse title SCH
Core CoursesPOLS 2301: Federal Government3
General Education ((Language/Philosophy/Culture or Creative Arts)3
Req'd Support CoursesJagTrack III1
Req'd Area CoursesGEOL 3331: Hydrology3
WATR 3325: Aquatic Systems Science3
Suggested ElectivesCHEM 3331: Quantitative Analysis3
Semester SCH13 (req'd) + 3 (elect.)
Junior Year, Spring Semester Schedule

Junior Year, Spring Semester

CategoryCourse title SCH
Core CoursesPOL 2302: Texas Government3
Req'd Area CoursesWATR 3320: Pollutants in Environmental Systems3
WATR 3330: Green Systems for Wastewater Management3
WATR 3340: Water Resources Science and Technology Internship (this course may be listed as a summer course), or WATR 4315: Advanced Wastewater Recycling Systems 3
ElectivesBIOL 3407: Ecology3
PHYS 1302: General Physics II3
PHYS 1102: General Physics II laboratory1
12 (req'd) + 7 (elect.)


Senior Year, Fall Semester Schedule

Senior Year, Fall Semester

CategoryCourse title SCH
Req'd Support CoursesJagTracks IV1
Req'd Area CoursesWATR 4330: Water Management and Field Investigations3
POLS 3315: Water Laws, Rules and Policy3
Senior Year, Spring Semester Schedule

Senior year, Spring Semester

CategoryCourse title SCH
Req'd Area CoursesWATR 4310: Desalination and Emerging Technologies3
WATR 4191: Senior Seminar1
ElectivesCHEM 4332: Instrumental Analysis3
SCH6 (Req'd) + 3 (Elect.)