Center for Academic Innovation


Digication is an e-Portfolio tool for students to showcase and share their work online with their family, friends, teachers, and potential employers. Within Digication students and faculty can create e-Portfolios for various reasons. These e-Portfolios can then be shared with instructors, courses, departments, or the community.

How can an e-Portfolio help me?

E-Portfolios are a great way for students and staff to gather artifacts of their work in one convenient place. An e-Portfolio can contain written works, photos, videos, collaborative assignments, projects, or reflective pieces. For example, a student could use an e-Portfolio to showcase their work for one particular course, and the instructor could then use the e-Portfolio as an assessment grade.

E-Portfolios can also follow a student throughout their entire university experience. This is a great way for students to gather work samples for potential future employment.

Faculty members can use an e-Portfolio to highlight their accomplishments or publish data required by the state. This is also a great way for faculty to show the community what their work is all about.

Digication Support

Check out our Digication Support e-Portfolio. You can find various support sections on how to create, customize, and share your e-Portfolio.

General Support

Document Title Description Last Updated
How to Access Digication Describes how to access Digication in multiple ways  August 2016
Digication Master FAQ

Answers a wide variety of basic questions regarding Digication

August 2016
How to Create an e-Portfolio

Walks a user through the steps of creating an e-Portfolio

August 2016

How to Create Pages and Sections in your e-Portfolio

Describes the differences between and the basics of creating pages and sections

August 2016

How to Add and Edit a Module

Looks at the various types of modules available in Digication and how to add them

August 2016

How to Add a Video to Digication

Walks a user through the ways to add a video to their e-Portfolio

August 2016

How to Embed an Item in Digication(Prezi, etc.)

Describes the process of adding an embedded item to a e-Portfolio

August 2016
How to Add a Document or PDF

Walks a user through the process of adding a document, such as Word, or a PDF to an e-Portfolio

August 2016

Student Support

Document Title Description Last Updated
How to Create an e-Portfolio from a Course Template Walks a student through creating their e-Portfolio off a course template set by an instructor August 2016
How to Submit to an Assignment  NEW - Video Link Walks a student through submitting an assignment in Digication August 2016

Instructor Support

Document Title Description Last Updated
How to Enable Digication in Blackboard (for Instructors) ( Video Link Here Walks instructors through adding Digication to their Blackboard Course - video link also provided August 2016
How to Set an e-Portfolio as a Template (for Instructors) Walks the user through setting which e-Portfolio they would like as their course template in Blackboard August 2016
How to Create and Edit an Assignment (for Instructors) Walks instructors through adding an assignment and editing it August 2016

How to View and Grade Assignment Submissions (for Instructors)

Walks instructors through accessing their gradebook in Digication, viewing student submissions, and grading the submission August 2016