Alumni Awards

Blanca Banda ’08, ’18 – Spirit of the Jaguar

Blanca BandaHer parents named her Blanca Aracely Banda. “There is importance in your name,” her abuelita said, “it is part of your identity, your essence, your cultura.” The footprints of the different cultures of San Luis Potosi, Mexico are written in the features of her face:  Indigenous, Japanese and Spaniard. She happily embraces them all. As an alumnus of Texas A&M Kingsville and of A&M-SA, Blanca’s had the privilege to witness the development of her beautiful university. Blanca, too, will tell you she grew with it.  “I’m a 43-years-old woman pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration.”

Blanca strives to be involved in her university and community, serving as a member and officer in eleven organizations within the university and two organizations within the San Antonio community: RAICES and Catholic Charities. A proud Jaguar, Blanca  dedicates her award to the spirit of Esperanza that walks the halls of the university. “It was the hope of the honorable Senator Frank Madla that gave us A&M-SA. May that same hope become a reality in our lives, hope in ourselves and hope in others. Esperanza, I see it in the faces of students, I witness it in the lessons of our professors; it is a part of me. For it is the Esperanza of my ancestors that gave me the strength to be audacious. It was the Jaguar Spirit that brought me here.  Thank you.”