Space Management

Space Management

Principals for Space allocations

  • Space is a limited resource and is not owned by divisions, departments, or current occupants.
  • The space allocation/reallocation process should be consistent and transparent, and should provide opportunities for affected parties to participate; however, the ultimate responsibility for allocating space resides with the President.
  • Space allocation should align with the University’s strategic priorities.
  • Every attempt should be made to house departments/ units in the best location possible and to minimize the number of moves required.
  • Space for divisions/departments/units should be in a single site, whenever preferred and possible.
  • Adjacency of departments/units that provide similar or related services is ideal.
  • Space allocations/reallocations should support fiscal responsibility by minimizing short- and long-term cost whenever possible.

 Methodology for determining order of priorities on Space allocation

  • Instructional & study spaces
  • Space for FT TT faculty, FT non- TT faculty, FT staff supporting funded research, other FT prof. staff space
  • Specialized space for research, including labs
  • Space for student use that supports student services including auxiliary operations
  • Technology, Police and campus operations specialized spaces
  • Space for PT non- TT faculty, PT instructional & research staff (including TAs & GAs), PT prof. staff
  • Conference rooms and other meeting rooms
  • Private study/ social spaces
  • Storage spaces


Approval Process

Space Management Approval Process (pdf) >


Facilities Space Related Action Request Form (pdf) >