A&M-SA Police Department

Campus Safety Tips

Voice your concerns and report crimes: All too often, crime goes unreported on campuses due to witnesses not coming forward. Even if the end result is minor, you're better safe than sorry. See suspicious persons or activities? Report to A&M-SA Police Department immediately!

Know A&M-SA Police Department phone numbers: Non-emergency (210) 784-1900, emergency (210) 784-1911. If you dial 911 on your cell phone or on the phone in Esperanza Hall, the call will go directly to San Antonio Police Department.

Sign-up for the free SafeZone app. This app connects you directly to A&M-SA PD when there is an emergency on campus. When you tap any icon, your phone’s general location will be shown on the map display for police officers. The app has a personal check-in function for working or studying alone after hours and walking to your vehicle. Google Play or iOS App Store

If you feel uncomfortable walking alone: Walk with a group and on well-lit paths or “Check In” on your SafeZone App.

Sign up your cell phone for emergency notifications, “JagE Alert”: This is a system that quickly notifies registered users of campus emergencies through text messages, emails and voicemail alerts. Sign up for JagE Alert on the free blackboard my connect app or with your cell phone number at the Emergency Notifications page. Your parents or loved ones can sign-up for the Blackboard my connect app as well.

Remember the Blue Light Emergency Phone locations around campus. These can also be used for non-emergency services. There are also call boxes in the classrooms.

Beware of your surroundings, whether you are on or off campus. Think of an emergency exit plan.

Take a self-defense class: It's never too early or too late to learn how to defend yourself in case of emergencies. For more information on A.W.A.R.E. Assessing your surroundings While remaining Aware and being Realistic about your Environment, contact Officer Gonzales at For Civilian Pepper Spray Class, contact Sgt. Duran at

Keep your vehicle locked, hide your stuff, keep windows rolled up and take your key.

Be careful with alcohol: 1,700 college students die every year due to alcohol-related injuries. Alcohol also plays a role in date rape and drunk driving which can kill you or someone else.

If you plan to drink, make plans ahead of time for getting home. (Uber, taxi, have a designated driver,etc.) Stay in groups and come back home with everyone in the group.

Drink responsibly and know your limits. Don’t leave your drink unattended, or accept a drink from someone you don’t trust. Watch your drink being made.

Watch out for your friends. If a friend seems “out of it” or intoxicated, get them to a safe place. If you think they have been drugged, call 911.

911 Lifeline Law: A person under 21 won’t be charged with possessing or consuming alcohol if the person calls 911 because someone else might have alcohol poisoning. This applies to the first person to call and remained at the scene and cooperated with EMS and police. Safety in Residence Hall

Safety in Residence Hall

  • DO NOT PROP EXTERIOR DOORS OPEN! On April 5, 1986, Jeanne Clery was raped and murdered in Stoughton Hall at Lehigh University. Clery was awoken by the suspect in the process of robbing her, in which he beat, cut, raped, sodomized and strangled Jeanne. Prior to Jeanne's death, there were reports that her dorm had had 181 situations of auto-locking doors being propped open by residents. The propped doors, as well as Clery's unlocked room door is believed to be how this suspect entered Stoughton Hall. This crime resulted in the Clery Act.

  • Do not prop open room doors. It only takes a few minutes for a person to steal your laptop, cell phone, cash and other valuable items. Theft is the number one crime in residence halls.

  • Do not allow people to “sneak in” through windows.

Concealed guns are allowed on campus (with a license to carry). Know where guns can be taken and where they are prohibited. Prohibited areas include Student Counseling Center (SCC), Fitness Center and Esperanza Hall. Visit the Campus Concealed Carry Website

If you see something, say something. We will do something.

A&M-SA Police Department
Crime Prevention (210) 784-1906

Parking lot