Our hearts go out to the victims of El Paso, Gilroy, and Dayton

The past week has brought incredible sadness as our nation grapples with horrific acts of violence. Whether in Texas, Ohio, or California, our communities are mourning. Too many families now share an unimaginable thread of profound loss. The cities of El Paso, Gilroy, and Dayton are linked through their grief and the journey toward healing.

In the coming days, as the nation and our state grieve, I ask that you take a few minutes to remember the individuals and their families as well as the courageous acts of the first responders and medical staff.

Later this month, our University community will come together to reflect – the details of a remembrance activity will be shared shortly. In the meantime, I have asked Vice President Melissa Mahan to reach out to students who are from these areas. Vice President Jeanette DeDiemar will be contacting our alumni.

The Office of Counseling and Wellness will be available for any student who desires grief counseling and can be contacted at (210) 784 1331.

Employees may contact our Employee Assistance Program provider, Deer Oaks, for counseling referrals at or 866-EAP-2400.

While we question these senseless acts of violence, let us recognize the courage of the families and communities as well as the first responders and medical teams as they begin their journey of healing – their lives are forever changed. Please remember them in your prayers.

 Deepest Regards,

Cynthia Teniente-Matson