Michael Johnson (Alumnus)

With a graduation cap on, butterflies fluttering around in his stomach and blood rushing from the excitement of walking the stage in this spring’s commencement ceremony, Michael Johnson received his first bachelor’s degree with glee.

At just 20 years old, Johnson made history at Texas A&M University-San Antonio (A&M-SA) as one of the inaugural freshman cohort students to graduate two years ahead of his anticipated graduation date of 2020. Johnson is the first in his family to graduate from college.

A native from San Antonio, he attended an early college academy, which was where he garnered college credits that transferred to A&M-SA.

But Johnson’s story of success did not come without hardships. At the tender age of 14, Johnson’s mother passed away from cancer. He acknowledges that his mother’s passing was a sad point in his young life, but he knew she wouldn’t have wanted him to stop working towards his dreams.

“She pushed me to do well in school,” he said. “She was a big motivator for me and she definitely instilled traits in me that pushed me to do more while moving forward.”

Johnson had his heart set on attending A&M-SA. He loved the small, close-knit atmosphere the university offered. Once admitted as a Jaguar student, he hit the ground running and took a full course load each semester and completed summer school along the way. Johnson’s strong commitment to his educational endeavors set an example for his younger sisters who are now attending their first fall semester in college.

This past summer, Johnson completed an internship at Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union (RBFCU). His aspiration is to work professionally within a financial institution. With a bachelor’s degree in business administration under his belt, he plans to achieve an MBA at A&M-SA by 2020.

Johnson is an example of an audacious Jaguar on a mission to conquer his goals – both short-term and long-term. The core advice Johnson espouses is to “go after your dreams.” With persistent effort, he said, any student can accomplish whatever they set their heart on.