Kevin Castro (Student)

imageKevin Castro, a Communications major, is the Editor-in-Chief for The Mesquite, A&M-SA’s student-produced online digital news source. He currently serves as the President of The Society of Professional Journalist, (SPJ) student organization, and previously, he was the co-editor-in-chief for El Espejo, A&M-SA’s feature magazine.

But Castro didn’t start out being a journalist.  His interest was in film, which began as a kid when he would watch movies with his dad. He enjoyed the storytelling and cinematography of filmmaking, and some of his favorite movies were from the Jurassic Park series.

A self-described “late-bloomer,” Castro took a lot of gap years right after high school, until he started attending the Alamo Colleges as a film major.

After coming here in Fall of 2017, he became a Communications major, and his focus changed to a different kind of storytelling. With no prior journalism experience, Castro found the Communications program and the COMM professors to be welcoming and helped to spark a new interest in him. 

“I wasn’t exactly sure where I was gonna end up and I didn’t feel like I had a lot going for me,” Castro said. “I didn’t feel like I had that one person give me the opportunity I needed, to show everybody that I could do this.”

That was until he met his Professor, Donna Pazdera.  Castro credits Pezdera for taking a chance one him and hiring him as the copy writer for El Espejo Magazine.

“She taught me so much about journalism and the humanity behind it,” Castro said. “And how to have a good time writing.”

Castro hopes to encourage current and incoming students to get involved in organizations on campus, specifically the Communications Program.

“There’s so much more here for students to explore and learn,” Castro said. “So many great people that they can meet, that can help them become what they would like to be.”

When he isn’t on campus attending his classes or working in the Media Lab, he enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, playing golf and basketball. He also really likes going to the movies and catching the new releases.

Castro is scheduled to graduate in Fall of 2019 with a BA in Communications, and a minor in Business Administration. After graduation, he would like to shift gears and pursue a job in Public Relations.

 “I’m 26 years old, I’ve been in and out of college since 2011. I think finally, at this point in my life, I’ve found something I can cling onto and something that makes me really happy.”