Water Resources Science & Technology

Additional Learning Resources

State Agencies

Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (
The environmental agency for the state, headquartered in Austin with 16 regional offices around Texas. TCEQ covers all permitting and reporting issues concerning air, water, land, and waste.

Texas Water Development Board (
Find out the state water masterplan, the water network (river basins, watersheds, aquifers), water quality data, flood protection, water conservation, interactive GIS data/map

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Provides plenty of interesting information about aquatic (water) and terrestrial (land) habitats, Texas river guide with links to all river authorities in Texas, and obviously details about the state parks.

Local agencies and utilities

Edwards Aquifer Authorities (
The Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) is a regional water management agency that regulates the use of the aquifer, one of the most abundant artesian aquifers in the world. The EAA Act was adopted by the Texas Legislature in 1993 in response to the legal threat of federal takeover of the aquifer under the Endangered Species Act. You will find scientific projects and outreach programs revolving around the Edwards Aquifer in the website.

San Antonio River Authority (

San Antonio River Authority (SARA), created in 1937, is one of many such active river authorities in the State of Texas. Its jurisdiction covers 3,658 square miles—all of Bexar, Wilson, Karnes and Goliad Counties. If you set out to find the water quality of the San Antonio River, the restoration projects, habitats of the river basin, flood management (to prevent surface water contamination), conservation and education programs, this is where you can find them all.

San Antonio Water System (

San Antonio Water System (SAWS) serves more than 1.6 million people in Bexar County, as well as parts of Medina and Atascosa counties. This population includes more than 460,000 water customers and 411,000 wastewater customers. In addition to serving its own retail customers, SAWS also provides wholesale water supplies to several smaller utility systems within this area. You will find SAWS’ water management plan and annual reports, water and wastewater treatment technologies, major water supply pipeline projects, integration of renewable energy in SAWS water supply system, and even the reclamation project of Mitchell Lake, a former sewage dumpsite and bird-watchers paradise.


Texas + Water (
A monthly newsletter published by The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, the Texas Water Journal and the Texas Water Resources Institute and the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute. The mission of Texas+Water is to provide timely information on the spectrum of Texas water issues including science, policy, and law.

Texas Water Journal (

Covers all aspects of water issues in Texas, be it policy, science, conservation projects, history and philosophy, and education. TWJ provides a tremendous resource for those who seek reliable and credible information and scientific studies of Texas’ water system.

Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico (

HRI is a science-driven institution set out to engage the challenges facing the Gulf of Mexico, but works far beyond science alone. The research done at HRI integrates science with economic, policy and sociological expertise, and seeks for solutions with broader impacts.

One of the keystone projects at HRI is called Headwaters to Ocean (H2O) which focuses on developing ways to help students of today become engaged water savvy citizens of tomorrow through teacher training, instructional materials development, research, and experiential education enhanced with today’s newest mobile and interactive technologies. Our own faculty, Dr. Rudolph Rosen, was instrumental in developing the project. You can find valuable resources at

Professional Societies

American Water Works Association (

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international, nonprofit, scientific and educational society dedicated to providing total water solutions assuring the effective management of water. Founded in 1881, the Association is the largest organization of water supply professionals in the world. Texas has its own section (Texas AWWA) comprising of ten local chapters. If you reside in south Texas, you will likely join South Texas Chapter of Texas AWWA. Texas A&M University also has its own chapter (Texas A&M Water Network). It is a great way to start or expand your water professional network here.

American Water Resources Association (

AWRA is also a professional association founded in 1964 and dedicated to the advancement of men and women in water resources management, research, and education. With almost 2,500 members, it is the major U.S. organization in the field. AWRA has 22 state sections but Texas is not among them. Texas A&M University, however, does have a student chapter of AWRA (

WaterReuse (
The WateReuse Association is the nation’s only trade association solely dedicated to advancing laws, policy, funding, and public acceptance of recycled water. WateReuse represents a coalition of utilities that recycle water, businesses that support the development of recycled water projects, and consumers of recycled water. The fundamental principle of water reuse is using the right water for the right purpose, everywhere and all the time. That means aiding and accelerating the natural process of cleaning the water to make it suitable for its intended purpose, from irrigation to industrial uses to drinking.

American Chemical Society, Environmental Chemistry Division (

The American Chemical Society (ACS), founded in 1876 and chartered by the U.S. Congress, is the world’s largest scientific society with more than 150,000 members in 140+ countries. ACS comprises of 32 ACS Technical Divisions and many, many student chapters. For water professionals, most of the networking opportunities occur in the Environmental Chemistry Division. If you reside in San Antonio, there is also a chapter for you to join.

Water Environment Federation (

Previously called the Federation of Sewage Works Associations (1928), the Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Associations (1950), and the Water Pollution Control Federation (1960); the name was changed to the Water Environment Federation in 1991 to reflect an expanded focus of non-point and point sources of pollution. The organization, nonetheless, is still best known for its works on water pollution control. Other than publications of technical development, WEF also has a strong advocacy network on water policy and legislation. WEF also provide paid online education programs on water pollution control.

International Water Association (

The International Water Association (IWA) is the world’s largest international professional association focused on water, and covering all stages of the water cycle from research through to practice. The contributions of IWA members and partners to the sector provide innovative solutions to the serious water challenges facing the world today, as well as nurturing the next generation of water leaders through its young professionals’ program. IWA is a great way to meet fellow professional of all ages and experiences from all over the world. The IWA website provides highlights of the innovative projects around the world.