Criminology and Criminal Justice

Study Criminology and Criminal Justice at A&M-San Antonio


The Criminology and Criminal Justice program prepares students to become leaders in their professional field. Bridging disciplines such as forensic science, psychology, sociology, and criminal justice, the CCJS program offers students a broad perspective to the study of criminal behavior, law and policy.

The program offers 2 undergraduate tracks (Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences) as well as the Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice degree (online).  Students benefit from hands-on experiential learning and instruction from top scholars in the field. Faculty help students develop the professional skills to be successful in traditional and nontraditional criminal justice roles.

Many of our graduates work for law enforcement and corrections agencies, but they also are employed in related fields such as data analytics, fraud investigations, community health, drug and substance abuse counseling and many others. Get your B.S. and M.S. degrees at TAMU-SA and be one step ahead of the competition.

- Degree Plans
- Masters of Science

Internship Opportunities

Internships are a great way to make a resume look more attractive while receiving valuable on-the-job experience. There are a number of local agencies that offer internships around San Antonio. The criminology internship course at Texas A&M University-San Antonio provides students the opportunity to integrate traditional learning exercises with practical experience in the criminal justice system.

Career Pathways

Think a job as a police officer is the only career path you can take with a degree in criminology or criminal justice? Think again! There a number of rewarding careers you can achieve with these degrees, including:

  • Transit and Railroad Police
  • Detectives and Criminal Investiators
  • Intelligence Analysts
  • Customs and Border Protection Officers
  • Bailiffs
  • Probation Officers and Corrections Officers
  • Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers
  • Social Science Research Assistants
  • Public Safety Telecommunicators
Officer on Bike