Political Science

Career Development


Applying for a job today requires more than a degree, it requires knowing how to present your background, skills, and potential efficiently and effectively. Moreover, today’s job applicants must understand they have to get passed a computer filter before their resume has any chance of being seen by human eyes. This reality requires applicants to know how to customize their resumes for specific job postings. It requires knowing how to craft an effective and impressive cover letter. And it requires excellent interviewing skills.

The Political Science Program at Texas A&M-San Antonio believes in its students and in its ability to provide the skills for political science majors to compete and succeed in either a future job or graduate school. But we also understand that the best candidate for the position may not always know how to apply. That’s why we offer one-on-one career counseling to all political science majors. That’s why we review political science majors’ resumes and offer help with searching for jobs and writing appropriate cover letters. And that’s why, whenever possible, we emphasize how a piece of knowledge gained in the classroom can be translated into real-world knowledge.

Sure, you might land a job without any assistance but you’re a political science major because you don’t want just a job, you want a career.


Careers in Political Science
City of San Antonio - Human Resources - Job Opportunities
Career Opportunities for Majors in Political Science and History (Rutgers University)

Cool Jobs You Can Do with a Political Science Degree - They Don't All Involve Politics