Political Science

Course Listing

Political Science Courses




Research and Analysis in Political Science 3(3-0)    

The practice of political science. The construction of research designs; major research tools; methods of political
analysis; political science writing. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.                                                                       


American Political Institutions 3(3-0)

Explores the structure and major issues and controversies in the study of American political institutions; topics
include executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306


Political Theory: Ancient & Medieval

The theories of the major thinkers of the periods and of their development. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT


Political Theory: Early Modern & Modern 3(3-0)

Theories of the major thinkers and the related intellectual and political movements. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and
GOVT 2306.


International Relations 3(3-0)

The underlying principles governing political relations among sovereign states and the application of these
principles to contemporary international problems. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Comparative Politics

The structures, functions and processes of selected political systems. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisites:
GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Adv. Research Methods: Regression and Analysis 3(3-0)

In this course students will learn model building, ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, and prediction analysis
using a statistical analysis program. Course is suitable for those interested in performing advanced data analysis.
Prerequisites: SOCI 3381 and POLS 3302.


Voting Behavior and Public Opinion. 3(3-0)

The relation of public opinion and voting behavior to democratic government; techniques employed in analyzing
political attitudes and voting behavior. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Interest Groups and Political Parties 3(3-0)

Formation, structure and functions of interest groups and political parties within the political system. Prerequisites:
GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


State and Local Govt Administration 3(3-0)

Structure and functions of governmental institutions; administrative practices of state and local governments.
Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Urban Politics 3(3-0)

A study of urban political processes and major public problems confronting urban areas. Prerequisites: GOVT
2305 and GOVT 2306.


American Political Behavior 3(3-0)

An introduction to core theories and controversies about American mass political behavior; topics include electoral
and non-electoral political participation, political socialization, and party identification. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305
and GOVT 2306


Nuclear Proliferation and Non-Proliferation Policy 3(3-0)

Causes of and U.S. responses to, nuclear proliferation in Third World regions, focusing on “problem countries.”
Topics include the non-proliferation regime, the “nuclear repentants,” nuclear arms control and the threat of nuclear
terrorism. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Technology and Politics 3(3-0)

A study of technology and society from the perspective of social values, ethics, sociology, social environment,
politics and economics. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Constitutional Law I  3(3-0)

This course focuses on institutional power and constraints. A survey of American constitutional law, using leading
cases, both historic and contemporary, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Establishment of the federal
political system for which the Constitution provided and the judicial allocations of political and economic power
within that system. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Consttutional Law II 3(3-0)

This course focuses on civil rights and civil liberties. A survey of American constitutional law using leading cases,
both historic and contemporary, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Matters of rights and liberties, their
recognition and definition, policies of rights developed by the Supreme Court of the United States. Prerequisites:
GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


American Justice Process 3(3-0)

The federal judicial system in terms of structure, function and process with stress on court interaction at both
intracourt and intersystem levels. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


International Organizations 3(3-0)

Basic features, functions and problems of international organizations through the League of Nations, the United
Nations and its specialized agencies and other important regional organizations in the context of the world situation.
Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


International Law 3(3-0)

An introduction to the study of international law. This course examines the definition, object and sources of
international law as well as its relationship to domestic law and to the study of international relations. Prerequisites:
GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Govt and Politics of Latin America 3(3-0)

The structures, functions and processes of the political systems of the nations of Central America, the Caribbean and
South America. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Govt and Politics of Mexico 3(3-0)

The structures, functions and processes of the political system of Mexico. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT
2306. Cannot receive credit for both POLS 4355 and SWBS 4355.


Public Administration 3(3-0)

The place of public administration in government; the relations of the bureaucracy to other government institutions
and the public. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Policy and Policy Making in the U.S. 3(3-0)

Public policy and its formation through the interaction of political groups and governmental institutions in selected
areas of public policy; relevant comparisons to other national systems. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Women and Politics 3(3-0)

Description, analysis and assessment of women's place in a democracy through a focus on women's capacity to
relate to and use political power. (Credit may not be obtained in both POLS 4364 and WGST 4364). Prerequisites:
GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306.


Special Topics in Political Science – Topic varies. 3(3-0)

An intensive examination of special topics of study in political science. Course may be repeated for credit when the
topic of study changes. Prerequisites: GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306. Cannot receive credit for both POLS 4370 and
SWBS 4370.


Political Science Internship 3(3-0)

This course provides students the opportunity to integrate traditional learning exercises with practical experience in
one of the following areas: a political campaign, an elected official’s office, a state or city bureaucracy/agency, or a
professional environment. Prerequisites: 6 semester hours of advanced POLS courses, minimum 3.0 gpa, and
instructor approval.