Women's and Gender Studies Program

Women's and Gender Studies

An Interdisciplinary Minor


The Women’s and Gender Studies program equips students to understand and think critically about the role that gender plays in shaping individuals, communities, relationships, histories, material realities, and fields of study. As an interdisciplinary program we are committed to challenging the borders between disciplines and departments in order to create new avenues for collaborative knowledge creation and problem-solving. Our program also emphasizes the importance of examining how gender intersects with other identity categories—including race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, ability, age, and class—to produce different forms of self-understanding, freedom, and oppression. 

Why Minor in Women’s and Gender Studies?

With a growing list of courses offered in a range of disciplines, the minor in Women’s and Gender Studies allows students the flexibility to choose classes that matter to them, while getting exposure to a diversity of fields.  The interdisciplinary nature of the minor, along with its intellectual underpinnings, offer students a foundation for engaging with the often tumultuous political, social, and cultural dimensions of society from an intersectional gender studies perspective.

Students who minor in Women’s and Gender Studies develop the following marketable skills: interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving; cross-disciplinary oral and written communication skills; cross-disciplinary reading skills; social, political, and cultural literacy; and personal and social responsibility.

Philis Barragán Goetz
Assistant Professor of History
Central Academic Building, 313-D
(210) 784-2259 

Main Office:
CAB, Room 323
(210) 784-2201 

Women's Gender Studies Minor