
Online Resources for Psychology

Below is a list of excellent online resources recommended by members of the A&M-SA Psychology faculty. 

Published Works

OpenStax open-access introductory Psychology text (  Psychology is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders.

York University's Classics in the History of Psychology ( An indispensable resource including online editions of classic papers and books that form the foundations of psychological science.

APA Help

The APA Style Blog ( Read what writing experts say about all aspects of writing and APA Style—from publication ethics to precision in reporting research to creating references and the clear expression of ideas. Join the discussion!

Purdue Online Writing Lab's APA Style Guide (

 Statistical Methods

 The Web Center for Social Research Methods ( A free web-based textbook that addresses common introductory research methods in social and behavioral research.  It has ads but the content is available in PDF from the author.

HyperStat ( An introductory-level textbook in statistics covering descriptive and inferential statistics. Each chapter has links to related texts, instructional demos, and free statistical analysis programs. Author is David M. Lane, Rice University departments of statistics, psychology, and management.

The R Project for Statistical Computing ( The best free open-source software for statistical analysis and modeling.  

-RStudio ( A free, open-source add-on to provide a more user-friendly GUI with which to use R.

-Kerns, G.J. (2018). Introduction to probability and statistics using R. Retrieved from A comprehensive, free online text on R.

-Quick-R ( An easy to use online reference site.

Career Resources

Occupational Network Online (  A really helpful tool for students who are considering different career paths in psychology and beyond.

A&M-SA Resources

Jaguar Tutoring

Jaguar Writing Center

University Library