Department of Educator and Leadership Preparation

Consortium Overview & Mission

The Consortium for Early Education Research and Family Empowerment upholds the University commitment to support historically underrepresented communities and Head Start’s mission to serve low-income families through agencies in their local communities promoting family well-being and school readiness.

Consortium for Early Education Research Family Empowerment (PDF)

The research consortium will foster social development within a larger community through relevant research that expands our understanding of ecologically embedded education practices and their impact on children and families in the community. The establishment of interdisciplinary faculty and student research teams will promote academic success and equip students with marketable skills that prepare them for rewarding careers. These collaborative teams of faculty, staff andstudents, through the generation of new knowledge, propose and evaluateindustry responsiveprograms, interventions, and products.  This engagement with industry basedresearch promotes transformative contexts enhancing student learning and professional growth.


The Consortium for Early Education Research and Family Empowerment seeks to research, identify and positively impact the educational future of children and families in the community through policy and practice.

In recognition of the critical importance of the first five years of life and the value of familial influence, the Consortium for Early Education Research and Family Empowerment bringstogether researchers and practitioners to identify how programs can positively impact the educational future of children and families. The Consortium is a non-profit alliance created through a partnership between Texas A&M University-SanAntonio and The City of San Antonio Head Start. Consortium members serve as a collective voice to inform and advocate for educational policy and practices that positively impact the lives of children and families. Throughresearchthey expand our understanding of current practices and the ecological influence of society on the child and family. 


Through the generation of new knowledge, content-focused and interdisciplinary research teams seek to support the empowerment of teachers as they engage with children and families they serve. By expanding our understanding of the multiple ways to support young learners, researchers generate systemic change through advocacy efforts and policy change.

Joining a Research Team