NEW Master of Science Program in Psychology beginning Fall 2023. Click here for more information!
Our Mission Statement
The Texas A&M University-San Antonio Undergraduate Psychology Program will provide students with educational opportunities that will enable them to: Develop a clear understanding and appreciation that psychology is a research-based science with many sub-disciplines; understand that the research enterprise is based on gathering, organizing, and analyzing empirical/objective information; evaluate extant research and develop skills in effective scientific writing. Additionally, students will be provided with opportunities to participate in research activities and/or applied aspects of psychology. Finally, students who successfully complete the program will have obtained knowledge and skills that will aid them in obtaining gainful employment and/or support their pursuit of an advanced degree. the Psychology program at Texas A&M University-San Antonio!

Did you know that USA Today College found that psychology is one of the top three majors chosen by undergraduate students nationwide? In fact, according to 2016 Bureau of Labor Statistics, psychology jobs are estimated to grow in the next decade at an explosive rate – almost three times faster than the national average. In order to claim the title “Psychologist” and to build a professional career in psychology, many students will go on to complete graduate-level training. However, many entry-level positions welcome students with a bachelor’s degree in psychology!
Psychology, simply defined, is the study of behavior and mental processes. But we are a broad discipline with numerous subfields: clinical, counseling, social, sport, health, cognitive, comparative, biopsychology, neuropsychology, geropsychology, experimental, educational, engineering, industrial-organizational, military, and forensic – to name just a few! Psychologists can be found in nearly every occupational field you can imagine.
The reason many students choose to major in psychology is because of its truly multidisciplinary nature. Our curriculum covers a wide range of theoretical and applied topics, and simultaneously provides hands-on research experience. This means that graduates are able to utilize their skills in a number of different careers – making a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology particularly valuable! For those who intend to complete graduate study, our program provides an exceptionally strong foundation.
Psychology is a diverse and challenging science. Earning a degree in psychology requires more than simply learning facts and theory: students must also develop a working knowledge and appreciation for the scientific method, while honing strong critical thinking, research, and written communication skills.
What can I do with a degree in Psychology?
According to Careers in Psychology, top jobs for psychology graduates include case manager, human services worker, rehabilitation specialist, psychiatric technician and school counselor. Many graduates choose positions in human and social services, business or education. A bachelor's degree, along with state certification, can also lead to a career as a high school psychology teacher.