Water Security for Texas

Scholarship Information

Background Information

The purpose of this study is to assess the effect that an active learning environment and high impact practices such as undergraduate research, common experiential learning, mentorship and collaborative projects have on the STEM GPA and scientific identify of the project participants


If you agree to participate in this study, we will ask you to do the following tasks:

Engage in scholarly activities under the supervision of an academic mentor, participate in regular workshops and complete follow up evaluations, assessments, questionnaires, and reflection that will assess your progress. You will also receive training on scholarly best practices, apply them by participating in collaborative research projects, and generate a deliverable product in the form of written or oral communication.

Risks and Benefits of Participating in the Study

The study includes the following risks:

First, working in a laboratory setting, which will require handling chemicals, instrumentation, and equipment that if not used properly may increase risk. Second, working outdoors collecting environmental and biological data while walking on irregular surfaces, exposure to sun, and potential allergens.

Risks are contingent upon the students’ level of responsibility and will be significantly minimized after having received all necessary training and provided with adequate personal protective equipment under faculty supervision.

The benefits to participation are:

Student will learn methodological and conceptual skills in STEM related areas. The student will have the opportunity to present the work accomplished at local and regional conferences. The student will participate in several scholarly activities that should improve their level of preparedness for graduate school or job.

If changes to the potential or actual risks or benefits to you occur, then you will receive a report of significant new findings and/or be asked to re-consent.


By being selected for this study, the student will be eligible to receive a National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored scholarship. The amount of S-STEM scholarship awarded is $7,091 per year. This scholarship is on a yearly cycle, renewable only at the discretion of the project’s scholarship committee. Please visit here to apply.