Teacher Residency Cohort

What is Teacher Residency?

Teacher Residency Admissions Requirements

  1. All coursework complete or will have all coursework complete by the end of the current semester;
  2. Minimum GPA of 2.75, either overall or last 60-hours; and,
  3. Passing score on the TExES content exam(s) on or before the program deadline for the semester.


  • The Educator CAFÉ encourages interested students to apply for full-year teacher residency if they have not yet passed the TExES content exam, but have scheduled to take it before the deadline.
  • Applying to Full-Year Teacher Residency Clinical Teaching does not guarantee acceptance into the teacher residency program.
  • The school districts conduct candidate interviews and select hires according to district criteria.
  • Candidates who are not hired by a school district for the teacher residency program, but have been approved for clinical teaching, have the option of completing traditional, semester-long, unpaid clinical teaching.
Educator CAFÉ Handbook