Scholarship Requirements
- GPA requirement
- Goal Statement
- Organization and logic
- Writing skills mechanics
- Evidence of social engagement
- Evidence of Special skills
Please apply the scholarship through scholarshipuniverse at or scan the QR code below
How to Apply
Step 1 Log In
By using your Jaguar ID and password, log in to ScholarshipUniverse. Please note: if this is your first time logging in, based on DUO setup, some of the information in the register account screen is prepopulated.
Step 2 Start Matching
You will thenbe directed straight to a series of questions to begin building your profile. After each question, the “Matches” and “Opportunity” boxes in the top right corner will be updated with the new scholarship opportunities you’ve been matched with based on the answers you have provided. At any time, you can view your matched scholarships by clicking on the “Matches” box.
Step 3 View your matches
You can use the Scholarships tab on the left side of the screen to view the scholarships you have been matched with.