Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Safety

University laboratories offer a wide range of pursuits as well as safety concerns. Each laboratory has its own unique hazards which may include electrical, fire, chemical, biological and radiological sources among others. Therefore it is important each lab worker or student be familiar with the hazards, protective measures, and safe work practices for their work as well as the other activities happening around them.

Laboratory Registration

All Principal Investigators (PIs) and/or Lab Managers are required to register laboratory space assigned to them prior to conducting research or teaching activities at Texas A&M University-San Antonio (A&M-SA). Registration of lab space is accomplished by completing the Lab Registration form and submitting it to RA-EHS ( Once reviewed by RA-EHS, the PI will be contacted if necessary to discuss university policies, lab safety guidelines, and training requirements related to the research or teaching activities being conducted.

EHS is best able to serve your needs and those of the University through your co-operation in registering you laboratory’s information.

Providing RA-EHS with information about your laboratory and your lab members will help our efforts to assure that proper training is available to lab personnel, prevent accidents and keep your laboratory safe. Additionally, it helps A&M-SA meet the compliance requirements of federal and state laws. This is important to maintain eligibility for you and your fellow researchers to apply for grants and other financial assistance.

The lab registration will collect the following information:

1. Laboratory contact information.

a. Principal Investigator or Lab Manager
b. Two (2) Alternate Contacts – Check applicable boxes if the contact will be notified after working hours for emergencies; Contact in absences (e.g., vacation, etc) of PI/Manger to answer question or correct issues in the lab; Chemical Inventory – will have access to change online inventory for the lab. (Note: All lab personnel will have access to online inventories and SDS’s but only those authorized will be able to change the inventory/SDS).

2. A general description of your laboratory’s purpose and research focus.

3.Laboratory Location(s) and Category - Provide the Building Name and room number for the lab space and the primary category of the lab and if this is shared space, the names of the other PI’s occupying the lab.- Provide the Building Name and room

4. Hazard Assessment

a. Check applicable boxes for hazards that are present in the laboratory.
b. Please describe procedures using chemicals that may pose higher hazards to personnel or property.
c. Please describe any other hazards or special concerns not covered already.

5. Waste - Check the applicable boxes for anticipated waste that will be generated in the lab.
6. Local Exhaust Ventilation - Provide information for biosafety cabinets or chemical fume hoods located in the laboratory.
7. Safety Equipment / PPE - Check the applicable boxes for safety equipment and PPE located in the laboratory.
8.Laboratory Personnel - Provide the name, UIN, title and e-mail for personnel working in the laboratory. Also, check the appropriate box(es) for hazards that the personnel may be exposed to.

Laboratory Registration Form