Student Affairs Assessment and Resources

Assessment Planning

Planning drives process.  Good assessment starts with a plan that asks the important questions in order to generate the most accurate and useful outcomes.  You can't get the right answer unless you ask the right questions.  The following is a template to help ask the questions that matter:

Assessment Planning
Step Considerations 
Identify the purpose of assessment Who is driving this?
What is the need? 
Who will be impacted? 
Determine where to obtain information Are there existing campuses databases? 
Are there other assessments being conducted? 
Determine the appropriate assessment method Will the assessment be used to evaluate mid-program? 
Will the assessment be used to evaluate a program after it is finished? 
Determine whom to study What is the population of study? 
Can a sample be taken? 
Determine how data will be collected Can information be collected in person? 
Should online methods be used to reach more people? 
What resources are available to collect data? 
Determine what instruments will be used Are you collecting qualitative, quantitative, or mixed data? 
How large is the sample and population? 
Given your campus environment, would certain instruments be less likely to succeed? 
Determine who should collect the data Are you the sole person available to collect data? 
Can you employ student workers or other campus staff to assist? 
If conducting interviews or focus groups, who would be the most appropriate to run those taking into consideration bias and skill? 
Determine how and who will analyze the data Do you have software available to help with data analysis? 
Who has advanced statistical skills to assist with analysis? 
Determine how results will be communicated What audiences will be interested in the outcomes of the assessment? 
How do they prefer to receive information? 
Determine what will be done with results Will the results affect future programming? 
Will the results impact the future of the office or department? 
Will the results be publicized? 
Where will the results be stored after completion of the assessment? 
Establish a complete timeline for the assessment Are all parties aware of the timeline? 
Is each step of the assessment process being given adequate time? 



Applying & Leading Assessment in Student Affairs Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) delivered by Colorado State University (CSU), with content developed by Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL)