Family Association

What is Family Association?

The Family Association is a link between students and families. We are there to support both the university and the students who attend.


Family Association at Texas A&M University-San Antonio is designed to empower family members to connect with Jaguar students on and off-campus, promote a sense of home in the A&M-SA community, and provide opportunities for local cultural learning. 


Family Association at Texas A&M University-San Antonio seeks to bridge gaps in the student experience relating to the sense of belonging, loneliness, and perseverance to help students achieve their goals and graduate.

Get Involved

Who is/can be involved?

Everyone! We encourage all of the following to get involved:

  • Parents, Guardians, and Siblings
  • Children and Significant Others
  • Extended Family: Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews, and Grandparents
  • Friends
  • Anyone else defines a family in your life

What is the benefit?

  • Family involvement = STUDENT SUCCESS
  • Ability to be involved regardless of physical location
  • Moral Support
  • Additional educational/co-curricular activities for students
  • Assist the university through suggestions for the benefit of the students
  • Family-related resources
  • Awareness of what is happening and how students can be supported
  • Opportunities for free/low-cost family time for all ages

Core Components


Connecting students to Jaguar families and additional opportunities that enhance their student experience


Promoting pride and a sense of belonging in the Jaguar and San Antonio communities


Providing both learning opportunities and spaces for critical conversation that promote effective transition and the development of a variety of skills

Sign up for Family Connect
Click the link and select the Family Association community during the sign-up process.