Web Terms of Service

Web Content and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Each university unit/department is responsible for maintaining its web content. As each unit is the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the information regarding their unit/department, they are the best qualified to ensure the information found online is accurate. Web Services will provide training/assistance as necessary but can only provide a support function and offer best practices. MarCom approves all content and ensures all web pages align with the University's messaging.


Digital Media and Other Types of Large Files

The University web server environment was designed to serve web pages and is not to be used as a media server for large media files or as a download area for large files. You may only place large digital media files (MP3 audio, any video file, or any individual file over 5MB in size) with written authorization from the Director of Web Services or their designee. This ensures the proper functioning of public university websites and protects the server environment from the extraordinary traffic volumes and storage requirements that digital media files sometimes impose. The   university media server  is better suited for hosting these types of files.


Boutique URLs, Domains, and Subdomains

Requests for particular forms of URLs can be made on a "first-come, first-served" basis, and certain URL forms may not be available to you because they are already in use. Users must work with MarCom when creating URLs, subdomains, or folder names. Web Services and MarCom also reserve the right to refuse requests for URLs, subdomains, or folder name forms likely to be used for university administration (e.g., URLs including words like "security" or "emergency").


Website Abandonment and Lack of Content Upkeep

TAMUSA reserves the right to remove web pages and websites abandoned on the university web server environment. Abandoned sites are defined as those that have yet to be edited or updated in one year or more and contain patently wrong or outdated content. The Web Service's office also reserves the right, when necessary, to remove web pages or websites when a complaint has been made about a site and the official directory owner cannot be contacted or has left the University. The Web Service's office will make reasonable efforts to contact site owners in such cases; however, these abandoned websites and web pages may be removed without notice after two years of inactivity.


Renegade Websites

The University Web Services acknowledges that, in the past, various organizations have established their web presence on external hosts without coordination. This lack of oversight has led to numerous rogue websites that still need to be discovered to Web Services. These sites often feature outdated or placeholder information, and some employ "meta" refresh tags to redirect visitors automatically to newer locations. It's important to clarify that creating and maintaining websites on external hosts without the express permission of the University Web Services is strictly prohibited. Despite such unauthorized sites, the university president and the CIO are responsible for all content associated with the University, including content on websites not directly known or managed by Web Services.


Guideline Changes and Policy Enforcement

These service guidelines for the server may change without notice. However, we will inform the Web community of any anticipated changes where and when possible. As the keepers of the University's public websites, we reserve the right to make any technical changes to the server as necessary. Again, prior notice will be given when possible, though such warnings may only sometimes be possible. In any case, the server's security dictates that immediate action may be taken to deactivate accounts, remove websites, delete files, or alter server configurations whenever the regular operation or security of the machine may be endangered.


Archiving Pages

In the past, Web Services has tolerated archiving pages on the web server. We will no longer allow this practice. Content owners must back up and store locally any content they want to save that is no longer accessible to the public.