How To Apply For OPT and CPT

F-1 students MUST talk to the Office of International Affairs (OIA) for off-campus CPT and OPT employment authorization processes BEFORE starting a position. The process of applying for CPT and OPT takes time so talk to OIA as early as possible to determine your eligibility

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

What is CPT?

  • Curricular Practical Training (CPT) that is directly related to your major area of study.
  • Internship/ Externship
  • Must be written into your degree plan as a core requirement or an internship elective
  • CPT can only be approved BEFORE your program end date or graduation
  • You must secure the training opportunity before CPT can be authorized
  • Do NOT work without the written authorization on the I-20


Your DSO can authorize CPT if you meet the following requirements:

  1. You have been a full-time student for at least 1 academic year,
  2. Are not studying English as a second language, and
  3. You have secured training.
Authorization Process

Student: Discusses training/internship/practicum with Texas A&M – San Antonio Office of International Affairs (OIA) and with academic advisor or program chair during the academic term before planned CPT.

  1. Student: Secures job offer (paid or unpaid) on employer letterhead.
  2. Student: Schedules appointment with OIA to submit required CPT paperwork with signatures from internship supervisor and academic advisor or program chair at least 7-10 days before the add/drop period of the semester in which CPT will occur.
  3. OIA Student Designated School Official (DSO): Reviews student requests and determines student’s eligibility for CPT.
  4. DSO: Authorizes CPT in SEVIS with employer details and specific start and end dates, and then prints authorization on the student’s Form I-20.
  5. Student: Signs new I-20 and begins work on or after CPT start date.
The student cannot start work prior to the CPT start date. All work must end by the CPT end date. Working outside of the authorized CPT dates is a violation of the student’s visa status and may result in the termination of the F-1 visa or loss of future employment benefits in the USA.

Application Requirements

The following documents must be submitted to the Office of International Affairs prior to the add/drop period to determine eligibility for CPT.

  1. Complete Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Request Form. Form must be signed by the Student, Internship Supervisor, Academic Advisor or Program Chair, and DSO
  2. Name and course number of the internship for which you will be earning credit, and the semester in which the course credit will be earned.
  3. Original, signed letter from prospective employer specifying begin and end dates, hours per week, if paid or unpaid, and location of training/employment.
  4. Current Passport (valid 6 months into the future)
  5. Current Visa
  6. Form I-94
  7. Copy of student’s class schedule in which student is enrolled for internship credit.
  8. Copy of student's degree plan showing internship/practicum course.

For CPT Application Form click here!

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

What is OPT?

  • Optional Practical Training (OPT) is one type of work permission available for eligible F-1 students. It allows students to get real-world work experience related to their field of study.
  • While a Designated School Official (DSO) recommends OPT in SEVIS, it is the student who must apply for the work permit with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). If the OPT is approved, USCIS will issue an Employment Authorization Document (EAD).
  • The student must not begin working before the start date on the EAD and before receiving the actual EAD.

OPT Types

  • Pre-Completion OPT: Any portion of OPT used before the student’s Program End Date. It may be part-time or full-time.
  • Post-Completion OPT: Any portion of OPT used after the student’s Program End Date. It must be at least 20 hours per week or full-time.
  • 24-month (STEM) OPT Extension: For students who majored in designated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) degrees approved by DHS.To determine if your academic program is STEM eligible, visit:
  • Cap-Gap OPT Extension: For certain students whose prospective employers filed a qualifying H-1B-cap subject petition.


  • The student has been a full-time student for one academic year,
  • Are not studying English as a Second Language,
  • The student’s proposed employment relates to the student’s major area of study,
  • Has not used all Optional Practical Training (OPT) available at the current level of study, and
  • Has not been authorized for 12 months or more of full-time Curricular Practical Training (CPT).

For OPT Application Form click here!

Note: Full-time CPT at a previous school at the same program level counts toward the CPT 12-month total affecting OPT. CPT at another program level does not affect OPT. 


Question CPT OPT
Who approves this work authorization? OIA at TAMU-SA USCIS

What are the eligibility requirements?

At the time of your application, you:
  • Are in F-1 status
  • Are a degree-seeking student
  • Have studied at a U.S. college or university for at least 1 academic year
  • Have received a job/internship offer to do work in your major
At the time of your application, you:
  • Are in F-1 status
  • Are a degree-seeking student or recently graduated
  • Have studied at a U.S. college or university for at least 1 academic year
Do I need this authorization to work off-campus? YES YES
Do I need authorization BEFORE I begin working? YES YES
What does the work authorization look like? OIA authorizes a new I-20. Your I-20 Page 2, states the work details (name and address of employer, dates of employment). USCIS issues you an EAD (Employment Authorization Document) card.          
How much does it cost? There is no fee, but you must be registered for an internship course. USCIS fee for I-765 is $470. ( To expedite $1,685 with form I-907)
How long does it take to receive the authorization?

OIA takes up to 7-10 business days to issue you the I-20 with your CPT authorization on it.

Average of 3.5 months;
Students may apply 90 days prior to graduation or 60 days after graduation

Is an SSN required?



How can I get a Social Security Number?

Take the following to the Social Security office:

  • Passport
  • Visa
  • I-94 record (print from
  • I-20 with CPT authorization
  • Job offer letter
Take the following to the Social Security office:
  • Passport
  • Visa
  • I-94 record (print from
  • I-20 with OPT authorization

Is course credit required for work authorization?

Yes, and the job must relate to the student’s academic discipline.

No, but the job must relate to the student’s academic discipline.
Can I use this work authorization before I graduate? Yes  

Yes, but OIA recommends F-1 students use OPT after graduation.

You are allowed 12 months of OPT per degree level.

Can I use this work authorization after I graduate? No   Yes
Do I need a specific job offer before I apply for this work authorization?

Yes, a job/internship/co-op offer is required.

CPT authorization is specific to an employer and for specific start and end dates.

No. You can apply for OPT before you receive a job offer. 

How much can students work?

Typically, part-time (20 hrs/week or less during academic terms). Summer may be full-time.

Note: 12 months of full-time CPT eliminates student’s eligibility for OPT.

12 months per degree level. Typically full-time, but must be at least 20 hrs/week

When can students begin working?


After CPT is authorized on student’s I-20 form


After receiving EAD card from USCIS

When does work end?


On the CPT end date listed on the I-20 form


One year from end date listed on the EAD card

How many times may a student request work authorization?


Multiple times during the student's academic program.


Only STEM students may apply for an OPT extension, up to 24 months.

What happens if I complete my Bachelor’s and start a Master’s?

CPT may be authorized again during next level of student’s academic program

OPT may be authorized again for 12 months (+ STEM extension) per academic degree level.

Do students have permission to receive payment for their work?



Is volunteer, unpaid work allowed?

Yes, if the internship is a required component and relates to the student’s academic program/course.


Yes, if the job relates to the student’s academic field.

Volunteer work is not allowed for STEM OPT extension.

If work is unpaid, do students still have to file for CPT or OPT?


Yes, any type of off-campus employment must be authorized by OIA.


Yes, any type of post-graduation employment must be authorized by USCIS.

What happens if a student loses their employment?

Students may apply for CPT with another employer to complete degree/course requirements.

Students must apply for another position. OPT students cannot be unemployed for more than 90 days within the 1-year OPT period or OPT authorization will be revoked.





Who approves work authorization?



How much does it cost to apply for the I-765 work authorization?

USCIS fee for I-765 is $470. ( To expedite $1,685 with form I-907)

USCIS fee for I-765 is $470. ( To expedite $1,685 with form I-907)

How long does it take to receive the work authorization?

Average of 3 months;Students may apply 90 days prior to graduation or 60 days after graduation

Average of 3 months;Students may apply 90 days before end date listed on EAD card

Who is eligible for this work authorization?

Every student, up to 12 months

Only STEM students may apply for an extension, up to 24 months

Is a job offer needed to apply?

No, but it is ideal to have one

Yes, and employer must be registered with E-Verify

What type of job may I obtain?

Job must relate to student’s academic disciple.

Job must relate to student’s academic disciple.

When does job training occur?

Though OPT may occur while still a student, most use OPT after completing their degree. 

After completing initial OPT 

How much can students work? 

12 months per degree level. Typically full-time, but must be at least 20 hrs/week 

24 months per degree level. Typically full-time. 

When can students begin working? 

After receiving EAD card from USCIS and after start date listed on EAD card 

Students may work up to 180 days while waiting for a new EAD card from USCIS. If the EAD card is not received in 180 days, students must stop working. 

When does work end? 

One year from end date listed on the EAD card 

Two years from end date listed on the STEM OPT EAD card 

What happens if I completed my Bachelor’s and started a Master’s? 

OPT may be authorized again for 12 months per degree level 

STEM OPT extension may be authorized for 24 months per degree level 

Is an SSN required? 



Is volunteer, unpaid work allowed? 

Yes, if job relates to student’s academic field. 


If work is unpaid, do students still have to file for OPT? 

Yes, any type of post-graduation employment must be authorized by USCIS. 

Work must be a paid position. 

What happens if student loses their employment? 

Apply for another position. Cannot be unemployed for more than 90 days within the 1-year OPT period or OPT authorization will be revoked. 

Apply for another position. Cannot be unemployed for more than 150 days within the 3-year OPT and STEM OPT period or OPT authorization will be revoked.