Jaguar Jumpstart

About Jaguar JumpStart

Jaguar Jumpstart is a summer bridge program that allows A&M-SA students an opportunity to meet the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) assessment requirement for free prior to the Fall 2024 semester. Successfully completing Jaguar Jumpstart will save students time and money as they begin their college experience at A&M-SA.

Benefits of Jaguar JumpStart

  • Academic readiness for college life  
  • Chance to work with tutors and Peer Leaders
  • Avoid paying for an additional 3-6 credits of tuition
  • Get comfortable to college life with a small group 
  • Learn about support services sooner than later 
  • Begin fall semester classes with other students from the Jumpstart program 


  • Must have been admitted to First Time in College (FTIC) for Fall 2024.
  • Ability to commute daily for the duration of the program.
  • Must NOT have successfully completed the prior college prep or bridge program.
  • This program is designed for students who would like additional support in meeting the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements.

JumpStart Details

  • The program takes place during the Summer 2 semester: Monday, July 8 - Thursday, August 8
  • Two tracks: 1 course or 2 courses that cover TSI material (more information to come).
    • All courses are face to face, on campus.
  • Engage with tutors and Peer Leaders to help you improve with your studies
  • Experience on/off campus activities with upper-class students.
  • Tentative schedule to come!