Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement

Career Changes

Access to Career Services
Did you know that even after you graduate from Texas A&M University-San Antonio, Jaguars still have access to many resources and services offered by our Career Advisors, including resume review, practice interviews, and more! Jaguar Alumni can register on Handshake and start searching for jobs worldwide. Please contact the Mays Center if you are having difficulties registering with Handshake.

Your Alumni network is an excellent resource for finding your dream job! Read this article to learn how to use your Alumni association and network to find a job.

Connect with other Alumni and let them know that you want to change your career. Networking matters! They might know some available positions that are an excellent fit for you.

Here are the social media Alumni groups for A&M-SA Jaguars!

Career change is a big transition; the following articles might be beneficial to look at before you move on:

Free Resources

MySkills MyFuture: CareerOnestop website can help you put your skills to work in a new career. 

Tips for Career Changers

  • Identify your assets and review your career and life experiences to clarify your skills, interests, values, needs, and goals.
  • Examine your reasons for changing careers. Work with your career advisor to design your career strategy.
  • Research new career ideas thoroughly. Seek "fitness" between your skills and those skills necessary to succeed in the new career field. Be flexible. Your career path may look different than you had initially planned.
  • Connect Jaguar Alumni Network today! Networking matters in helping to identify new industry trends and job leads.
  • Ensure your resume/cover letter, interviewing, and negotiating skills are up-to-date. Your career advisor can assist you with the career search and application process.

Are you still looking for some answers to your questions and unsure what to do with your career? Good news! The Mays Center offers FREE assessments just for this purpose. Schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor to discuss your assessment options. Remember, you can stop by the Mays Center, register on Handshake, or call (210) 784-1356 to schedule your appointment.