Academic Affairs Common Reports
Cumulative Graduation and Retention (Persistence) of Full-Time FTIC cohorts
Description - Based on full-time FTIC degree-seeking cohorts entering into fall semesters, this data includes the size of the initial cohort, and retention (i.e., returned at undergraduate level and enrolled at TAMUSA) at several snapshots, including: first term, first year, second year, third year, and fourth year. Additionally, graduation rates are calculated at the end of two, three, and four year marks. Combining the retention and graduation numbers for the same "capture point" indicates persistence. For example, the F16 cohort graduation rate within 3 years of 2.06% is added to the "returned 3 years later" rate of 42.8% and yields a 3-year persistence rate of 44.86%.
Full-Time New Undergraduate Transfer Student 3-year and 4-year Graduation Rates
Description - Analysis based on new-to-TAMUSA full-time degree-seeking undergraduate transfer students. This includes the size of the initial cohort as well as the number and graduation rate percentage of these students within their first three and four years of entry to TAMUSA.
End-of-Term (EOT) Headcount
Description - This is a headcount of all undergraduates, graduates, and total population calculated at the end of term. This includes all students that were enrolled on or after the term census date. This is not the same as a census headcount, as this may include students that were for some reason enrolled after the census date or enrolled for flex-only courses that started after the census date. Therefore, it includes only students that have a gradable indicator set for at least one course registration and considers all parts-of-term.
End-of-Term (EOT) Student Credit Hours (SCH)
Description - This is a sum of Student Credit Hours (SCH) for all undergraduates, graduates, and total population calculated at the end of term. This includes all students that were enrolled on or after the term census date. This is not the same as census SCHs, as this may include SCHs that were for some reason added after the census date, such as those SCHs from late registrations or from SCHs attributed to flex-only courses that started after the census date. Therefore, it includes only SCHs that have a gradable indicator set and considers all parts-of-term.
Full-time/Part-time Fall Enrollment
Description - These analytics include full-/part-time student counts and percentages of the cohort for the first five FTIC cohorts, as well as the same data for both the entire population of undergraduate and the graduate students for all fall terms.
Degrees Conferred
Description - This chart illustrates the number of degrees conferred - not number of students receiving degrees - in a given academic year. This data is disaggregated by the College awarding the degree.
Degrees Conferred by Program by Academic Year
Description - This illustrates the total degrees conferred by program (degree/major/1stConcentration) for both graduate and undergraduate programs. These are the number of degrees conferred - not the number of students receiving degrees. Therefore, a student that is conferred degrees for dual majors is counted once for each major, for each degree. On the other hand, students that are conferred double majors are counted only in the major listed as the first major for that degree.
Fall Headcounts by Race/Ethnicity by Student Level (UG/GR/Total)
Description - The following tables present fall headcounts and % of headcounts by race/ethnicity for undergraduates, graduates, and the total university population.
Fall Term Enrollment by Gender (UG/GR/Total)
Description - Fall term enrollment by gender is presented as a percentage of the graduate, undergraduate, and total TAMUSA population.
Military-Connected Students (UG/GR/Total)
Description - This table contains all military-connected students (i.e., Veterans, Active-duty, and Dependents of Veterans) for the fall terms from fall 2016 forward for the undergraduate, graduate, and total TAMUSA student populations. The Banner table where this data is stored was populated from fall 2016 forward.
First-Generation Students (UG/GR/Total)
Description - Students that are first-generation college students are reported at the graduate, undergraduate, and total student population levels. Our definition of first-generation students follows the guidelines set by the Higher Education Act of 1965, and 1998 Higher Education Act Amendments, and includes only self-reported students where neither of their parents have received a four-year degree. The accepted methodology embraces the notion that "once a first-generation student, always a first-generation student" and further, we indicate first-generation status if any of the sources have such indication - even if the sources are in conflict with each other.
Fall Enrollment by Program of Study (Degree/Major/1stConcentration)
Description - Undergraduate and graduate fall term enrollment by program, which is defined here as the distinct combination of degree, major, and first-concentration. Students that are declared in more than one program are indicated once for each of the programs and therefore, the total headcount will be higher for each fall term by that same number of students enrolled in multiple programs. However, it should be noted that this number is relatively small.