Staff Council

Constitution and Bylaws

Article I. Name and Mission
Section 1. Name
Section 2. Mission
Article II. Membership
Section 1. Structure
Section 2. Composition
Section 3. Eligibility
Section 4. Elections
Section 5. Terms of Office
Section 6. Attendance and Removal from Office
Section 7. Vacancies
Article III. Responsibilities and Objectives
Section 1. Responsibilities and Objectives
Article IV. Operation of the Council
Section 1. Meetings
Section 2. Quorum
Section 3. Agenda
Article V. Executive Officers
Section 1
Article VI. Council Meetings
Section 1. Executive Committee
Section 2. Standing and Special Committees
Section 3. Quorum
Section 4. Subcommittees
Article VII. Ratification, Amendments, and Bylaws
Section 1. Ratification
Section 2. Amendments
Section 3. Bylaws
Article I. Council Meetings
Section 1
Article II. Council Officers
Section 1. Elections
Section 2. General Duties
Section 3. Specific Duties
Article III. Council Committees
Section 1. Executive Committee
Section 2. Standing and Special Committees
Section 3. Creation of Council Committees
Section 4. Authority of Council Committees
Section 5. Membership on Council Committees
Section 6. Meetings
Section 7. Reports
Article IV. Ratification and Amendments
Section 1. Rules
Section 2. Ratification and Amendments



Article I. Name and Mission

Section 1. Name

The name of the organization will be Texas A&M University-San Antonio Staff Council.

Section 2. Mission

The MISSION of the A&M-SA Staff Council is to serve as a collective body, to advocate for staff by responding to their ideas and concerns, and to function as a liaison between the President and staff employees.

Article II. Membership

Section 1. Structure

The council shall report independently to the University president or an executive officer designated by the president.

Section 2. Composition

Categories for representation shall largely be based on occupational categories. Occupational categories of employees for election to the Council are:

  • EEO #1: Executive/Administrative/Managerial (only Executive Director level and below are eligible to serve on Staff Council)
  • EEO #3: Professional Non-Faculty,
  • EEO #4: Clerical and Secretarial,
  • EEO #5: Technical and Paraprofessional.

Each EEO classification shall have a minimum of two positions on the Council. An elected representative or alternate whose job classification changes during the term of office will serve the constituency who elected the representative until the term expires. If no nominations are given for a EEO category, that position will go to the highest vote recipient that was not placed in Staff Council regardless of category. The representative that is chosen to serve in this vacancy will remain in place only until the next annual Staff Council nomination and voting process.  

If a member is promoted to above an Executive Director level, the Immediate Past President will serve in an ex-officio basis as a member of the Council for one year and their classification will have no bearing on the composition of Staff Council. An ex-officio member provides assistance to the Council’s efforts in carrying out the specific tasks or projects.

The Staff Council shall appoint members that serve on an ex-officio basis.

If a representative moves to another EEO category, the representative will finish the term.

Other categories to be represented and additional members may be designated by a two-thirds vote of the members of Council and approval by the University president.

Section 3. Eligibility

Membership is limited to regular full-time staff employees who have been employed at Texas A&M University-San Antonio for a minimum of 6 months full-time continuous employment and be in good standing (determined by their immediate supervisor) at the time of election. Those that are higher than an Executive Director level are excluded from membership to serve on Staff Council.

Exceptions to this policy may occur if a new category is added for a period of two years after designation of the new category with approval from Staff Council executive board.

Section 4. Elections

Election of members to the Council shall be held during May (Nominations & Voting). Each full-time staff employee shall be entitled to vote for candidates in their represented category, which are described in Article II, Section 2.

The Election Committee shall oversee the election of new representatives and will follow the guidelines as established and approved by the Council. Those who receive the most votes in their category will become the new representatives. Those not elected but nominated will serve as alternates in their respective EEO category as described in Article VII, Section 1-3. The elected members shall assume office in June during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Council.

Section 5. Terms of Office

Terms of office shall begin on June 1st. Representatives shall serve two, staggered year terms with elections conducted annually. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms but may be reelected after a one-year absence.

Only the President-Elect will serve a third term as the third term will be the year in which the President-Elect will serve as Council president.

Serving more than one-half of a term shall count as a full term when determining the number of terms a member may serve. A Staff Council member who has served less than one-half term may serve two more consecutive terms.

An employee who has scheduled/announced retirement before the term will have been completed will not be considered eligible for membership.

The next highest vote recipient in the respective EEO category will be considered for membership. After that, the next highest vote recipient in any of the eligible EEO categories will be considered.

Section 6. Attendance and Removal from Office

Any representative whose absence causes a represented category to be underrepresented for three regularly scheduled meetings of the Council during the year shall be subject to removal. A new representative will be appointed by the council within 30 days and will take office immediately.

A representative who is absent for three regularly scheduled council meetings throughout the year shall be contacted by the Council president  to determine if the representative should be removed. If it is determined that the representative will be unable to attend future council meetings, the president, with concurrence of the Executive Committee, shall order that the represented EEO category appoint a new representative within 30 days to take office immediately. Notification of the new representative will be made to the staff members of the representative's category.

A representative's term of office may be terminated and a new representative appointed at any time by a majority vote of council members. A vote to terminate a current representative and elect a new representative may be initiated by a written petition signed by at least a two thirds vote of the eligible staff in a represented category.

A representative's term of office may be terminated and a new representative elected at any time by a three-fourths vote of the Staff Council.

Section 7. Vacancies

Vacancies will be filled from among those who were nominated but not elected at the last election, in order of the highest number of votes received. The individuals filling the vacancies will serve only for the unexpired term of the position vacated.

In the event that a vacancy is not filled by an alternate, that position will remain vacant until filled at the next scheduled election.

Article III. Responsibilities and Objectives

Section 1. Responsibilities and Objectives

  1. The Staff Council shall develop, maintain, and implement standard operating procedures.
  2. The Staff Council shall develop and maintain communication between itself and:
    • Staff employees
    • Faculty Senate
    • Student Government Association
    • University’s Executive Team
    • University President
  3. The Staff Council shall appoint committees as necessary to accomplish its work.
  4. The Staff Council may, when appropriate, nominate Council members to serve on other councils and committees.
  5. The Staff Council shall prepare and submit to the University president proposals and position papers on staff concerns as determined by a majority of the Staff Council and prepare and submit reports as requested by the University president using, but not limited to, the methods as follows:
    • Engaging staff and bringing their interests before the administration
    • Identifying University issues and their impact on staff
    • Exploring and researching possible solutions
    • Interacting with other councils
  6. The Staff Council shall prepare and submit to the University president and the staff an annual summary of all activities.
  7. The Staff Council may monitor, review, and make recommendations on administrative actions that affect staff employees.
  8. The Staff Council shall monitor, review, and make recommendations on University guidelines and procedures that affect staff employees.

Article IV. Operation of the Council

Section 1. Meetings

The Council shall hold a regularly scheduled meeting each month. Time and place shall be determined by the Council membership.

Section 2. Quorum

The presence of a 2/3 majority of the representatives of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business of the Council.

Section 3. Agenda

All Executive Committee and Council meetings shall be conducted according to an agenda posted in advance for members to review and give suggestions.

Article V. Executive Officers

Section 1.

The officers of the Council shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian/Historian.

First-year members are not eligible to be an executive officer. Members must have completed one full year on the Council to be eligible to be nominated as an executive officer. If there is an office that is unable to be filled, then first-year members may be considered.

The President-Elect must able to serve a third year with the third year being Council President.

All of the executive officers shall be elected by the Council membership in the manner described in the By-Laws.

Article VI. Council Meetings

Section 1. Executive Committee

The President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian/Historian shall constitute the Executive Committee.

The President of the Council shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee. The Committee shall meet upon call of the Chair, upon request of the president of the University, or upon written request of three members of the Council. The Executive Committee shall:

  • Prepare an agenda for each meeting of the Council Oversee and provide direction for Council committees
  • Call meetings of the Council when deemed necessary
  • Perform duties customary to the committee

Section 2. Standing and Special Committees

The Council shall create such Standing and Special committees as it deems necessary to address any topic pertinent to the work of the committee.

Section 3. Quorum

A quorum for any Council committee shall be a simple majority of the members of the committee.

Section 4. Subcommittees

The committees may appoint subcommittees without restriction, but all reports submitted to the Council shall be adopted by a majority of the parent committee. The minority of a committee shall have the right to present to the Council a minority report at the time the majority report is presented.

Article VII. Ratification, Amendments, and Bylaws

Section 1. Ratification

The ratification and adoption of this Constitution shall be accomplished upon the approving vote of a majority of the members of the staff voting in a called general election.

Following ratification and adoption by the staff, this Constitution shall be submitted to theUniversity president for approval.

Section 2. Amendments

The Council shall by two-thirds vote recommend to the staff any proposed amendments to this Constitution. Such amendments shall take effect upon approval by three-fourths of the votes cast by the staff voting in a called general election  for the purpose and upon approval by the president of the university.

Amendments proposed by petition containing signatures of forty percent of the staff shall become effective upon approval by two-thirds of the votes cast by the staff, and upon approval by the University president. The Council shall provide each staff member with a copy of proposed amendments at least thirty days before the vote.

Section 3. Bylaws

Bylaws consistent with this Constitution shall be established and amended by a two-thirds vote of the Council.


Article I. Council Meetings

Section 1.

The Council will establish a regular time and meeting dates for Council meetings.  All University staff members are eligible to request to add agenda items through email to the Staff Council email, through the anonymous Suggestion Box on the Council webpage, and by contacting the Staff Council Facebook page.

The Staff Council shall conduct an open staff meeting at least once per quarter. All other meetings shall remain closed unless notice is sent to general staff by Staff Council at least seven days in advance of the meeting, if possible.

The President of the Council may call and/or cancel a meeting at any time when deemed advisable advisable, provided that at least one day's notice is given.

Article II. Council Officers

Section 1. Elections

 Officers will be elected at the June meeting, with the exception of the President, who served as President-Elect the previous year. Nominations shall be taken from the floor of the Council for each position, and President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian/Historian of the Council shall be elected for a one-year term in June meeting of the Council. The President-Elect nominees must have eligibility to serve on the Council for two years.

A simple majority vote of the Council is required for election.

Section 2. General Duties

All Council officers shall:

  • Attend all Executive Committee Meetings.
  • Accept committee responsibilities as assigned by the President and the Executive Committee.
  • Assist in developing the Council's general budget.
  • Act as resource persons for the Staff.
  • Provide vision and direction for the Council.
  • Carry out voting responsibilities.
  • Maintain, evaluate, and revise as needed the Council's strategic plan.

Section 3. Specific Duties

  1. President – The President will serve a one-year term and shall perform the duties customary to the office.
  2. President-Elect– The President-Elect will serve a one-year term and then succeed as President. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  3. Secretary – The Secretary shall record and report the minutes of the Council and Executive Committee meetings, as well as other duties customary to the office. The Secretary will serve a one-year term.
  4. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall keep and report on the financial and membership records of the Council. The Treasurer will serve a one-year term.
  5. Parliamentarian/Historian – The Parliamentarian/Historian shall advise the President and/or Council upon matters concerning parliamentary procedure , and compiles and creates additional reports (if needed), documenting key activities of the Council for the year. Parliamentarian is responsible for knowledge of the Constitution and By-laws and serve as the Council’s Historian. The Parliamentarian/Historian will serve a one-year term.

Article III. Council Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall meet in advance of each called meeting of the Council to provide the members of the Council with a written agenda at least three (3) business days before each Council meeting.

The Executive Committee works with each Council committee to establish a set of specific guidelines which clearly define the interactions between the Council and the committee. In the absence of the President and President-Elect, the Executive Committee shall designate a temporary Chair.

Section 2. Standing and Special Committees

The Staff Council shall create such Standing and Special committees as it deems necessary. The chair of either type of committee may request that the Council replace members for non-performance of committee duties.

Standing Committees shall be appointed at the first meeting of the Council in June of each year, unless created by Council action at a later date, and shall serve until the end of the election year. Special committees shall serve until their final report is presented to the Council or until dismissed by the Council.

Section 3. Creation of Council Committees

Committees may be created by:

  • Order of the President of the Council.
  • Order of the Council at large.
  • Written petition to the President of the Council signed by at least twenty members of the staff.

Section 4. Authority of Council Committees

Council Committees:

  • Shall have the power of originating proposals in their area of responsibility.
  • May hold open staff meetings to explore campus opinion, in considering proposals referred to them by the Council.

Section 5. Membership on Council Committees

All members of the University community, including faculty, administrators, staff, and students shall be eligible to serve on Council committees, provided that the chair of each committee shall be a member of the Council.

Section 6. Meetings

All committee meetings shall be closed unless otherwise ordered by the Council or announced by the committee. The time and place of any open meeting of a committee shall be adequately published at least three (3) business days before the meeting is to occur.

A meeting of a committee may be called by a petition signed by twenty or more members of the staff.

Section 7. Reports

All committee reports shall be presented to the Council in writing and may also be presented orally if desired by the committee or requested by the Council. All standing committees shall present an annual report to the Council as well as such other reports as the desired or requested by the Council.

Article IV. Ratification and Amendments

Section 1. Rules

The Council shall be the sole judge of its own rules and By-Laws.

Section 2. Ratification and Amendments

Ratification or amendment of the By-Laws shall be accomplished upon the approving vote of two-thirds majority of the members of the Council.