LEAP Program -LEAPing Toward Academic Achievement and Life-Long Success!

LEAP Program

The LEAP program supports A&M-San Antonio students whose institutional G.P.A. has fallen below 2.0. The program provides individualized coaching sessions to improve study habits, identifies and removes obstacles that hinder success, and determines appropriate resources based on student needs. 

Program Benefits 

Program Benefits
Individualized Academic Coaching sessions.
Awareness of campus-wide academic resources and/or community resources.
Opportunity to improve academic strategies and tools for success.
Institutional G.P.A. increase with marked success to move back into good standing.

Program Requirements

Program participation is required for students on Scholastic Probation  or for students receiving an approved Academic Reinstatement Appeal.

Designed with academic success in mind, program requirements for each semester include:

Program Requirements
1. Attend ONE (1)  LEAP Program Information session (students may not begin program actions until they have completed their info session).
2. Complete ONE  (1)Required appointment with your Academic Success Coach ( virtual, face to face or by phone).

Complete  TWO (2) LEAP Program Actions
+  Time management activity
+  Attend G.R.O.W.L. Series Workshops - academic enhanced workshops

4. A 2.0 minimum term G.P.A . is required for students to continue enrollment for the next term. (see Academic Standing minimum grade requirements)

NOTE: Students will have a registration hold ( Student Success Hold) placed on their account until all probation requirements have been met for each semester. Therefore, failure to complete LEAP program requirements for each semester will prevent students from registering for the following semester.


Contact the Student Academic Success Center 
at (210) 784-1307 or

Location and Hours of Operation

In-Person and  Virtual Appointments Available
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Central Academic Building 202
One University Way
San Antonio, Texas 78224

Growl October 2020 Poster