Student Travel Policy, Procedure, and Forms

Student Travel Policy, Procedure, and Forms

Travel Policy

We encourage recognized student organizations to travel to attend conferences, competitions, or events! However, your organization must take some steps before traveling outside a 25-mile radius of A&M University-San Antonio's main campus.

If your organization fails to submit proper paperwork within the appropriate time frame, you will not be allowed to represent A&M-SA for specified travel.

Submit Travel Packet

The travel packet must be submitted at least 20 days before the day of departure. This form requests information such as the reason for travel, a list of attendees, Risk management details, and more.
This form must also be submitted for non-academic international travel.

Submit Individual Travel Form

The individual travel form must be completed by each individual who is traveling outside the 25-mile radius.


Study Abroad

For more information about Studying Abroad, please contact Dr. Shelton. You can also utilize the following “Study Abroad Packet” and “Study Abroad Individual form.

Crime Statistics Form

Upon returning, the student organization advisor is responsible for submitting the Crime Statistic Report Form.