
The System maintains a System- wide Pay Plan focused on attracting, retaining, and rewarding a qualified and diverse workforce. Within the boundaries of financial feasibility, employee compensation shall be externally competitive and internally equitable.

Longevity Schedule

At Least But Less ThanAmount of Longevity Per month
24 months 48 months$20
48 months72 months $40
72 months96 months$60
96 months120 months $80
120 months144 months $100
144 months 168 months$120
168 months192 months $140
192 months 216 months$160
216 months240 months$180
240 months264 months $200

Longevity Pay and Hazard Duty Pay

All employment with the System and any other agency or institution of the State of Texas, including employment as a student worker, will count as creditable state service for longevity and hazardous duty pay purposes. 

Employment with independent school districts and/ or junior community colleges is not state employments.

Pay Plan