Dear friends,
This summer continues to see exceptional achievements by our students, faculty and staff. We are excited to share these highlights as our summer continues!
Together in service for our University community,
Dr. Maria Hernandez Ferrier
President, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
June 29-July 12, 2013
Outstanding news and highlights around campus....
Exemplary practices, exemplary award
Congratulations to Dr. Ramona Pittman, assistant professor in curriculum and kinesiology, who won the Exemplary Faculty Practice award from Quest for Quality Teacher Preparation for the multiple projects and practices she incorporates into her literacy courses. The award is part of a collaboration between the Center for Research, Evaluation and Advancement of Teacher Education (CREATE) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, which is funded through a grant from Sid W. Richardson Foundation to the College for All Texans Foundation. Dr. Pittman also serves as the program coordinator for Reading and Early Childhood Education.
Teaching excellence in two languages
Dr. Nancy Garcia, assistant professor of curriculum and kinesiology, will be featured in this month's edition of Early Years Journal, the official Journal of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children. Her article, "The Added Value of Language at Play in the Homes of Young Bilingual Children" is the highlighted submission as it will also be published translated to Spanish as "El Valor Sustancial del Lenguaje Durante el Juego en Los Hogares de Niños Bilingües."
Scholarly hall of fame
Two university students were recognized for their outstanding achievements by a notable local women's organization. Teresa Perez and Ileana Lopez, were awarded scholarship at the special San Antonio Women's Hall of Fame luncheon on May 18. Congratulations, ladies!
Learning is fun at Jaguar Camp
Creativity is the name of the game at Jaguar Camp 2013, a summer enrichment program led by TAMU-SA graduate students and faculty in partnership with the American Sunrise Learning Center, organized by The Hon. Mary Alice Cisneros. At-risk students from San Antonio's West Side spend three weeks experimenting with erosion, walking on eggs, making slime and generally having a blast while they learn critical concepts in math, science and reading. This year's theme, "Integrating literacy across the disciplines," lent itself to studying topics ranging from space to the water cycle. Thanks to a donation of over 750 books from SAReads, the children received two books of their own each week as rewards, as well as fun goody bags with donations from local businesses. Four education graduate students lead the learning exercises as they develop their own teaching skills with assistant professors of education Dr. Mishaleen Allen and Dr. Shelley Harris. Jaguar Camp 2013 wrapped up with a student showcase and presentations for their family members and guests on July 9.