University Budget and Enrollment Update

Dear Colleagues,

I write today regarding recent media reports that have been circulating about the University’s budget and enrollment. I want you to know that the University is fiscally sound and enrollment continues its upward trend, albeit at a slower pace in the wake of the pandemic.

The effects of the pandemic have made enrollment less predictable, and we are seeing a trend of later registration and students taking fewer credit hours. This is not unique to A&M-San Antonio. We are doing all that we can to encourage our students to continue their academic trajectories.

On the financial front, funds provided by the federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund program (HEERF) helped buffer the impacts of the pandemic. For example, one-time funding allowed us to fill temporary (one year or less) positions to provide additional instructional and student services support.

I remain confident in our fiscal management, budgeting processes, and our agility to create opportunity and access for our students, to support our staff, and to meet the needs of our faculty in teaching, research, and service.

We are in a fortunate and unique position as we tackle the pandemic, with no layoffs or furloughs in academic and administrative positions. This is due to our collective focus on our mission, our collective strategic lens, and our commitment to always putting the needs of our students first.

Finally, I also want to share news about the academic leadership team. Dr. Mike O’Brien, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, has stepped down from his position, effective immediately. We’re fortunate that Mike will remain a faculty member at A&M-San Antonio after a brief sabbatical. I am grateful for Mike’s work over the past five and a half years as he led our efforts to pursue excellence in all areas of the academic mission during a time of immense and rapid change for the University. Please join me in thanking Mike for his service.

As you know, a search for our next provost is already underway. An interim provost will be appointed, and I’ll share news of that appointment as soon as it is available. Please rest assured that this period of change will not inhibit the University’s pursuit of our strategic goals or our service to students and the community.

Thank you for all you do to advance the mission of Texas A&M University-San Antonio.

Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson