Office of Provost

A&M-SA Institutional Effectiveness Committee

CHARGE:   The A&M-SA Institutional Effectiveness Committee (aka:  the assessment committee) oversees the University’s institutional effectiveness activities, ensuring compliance with regional accreditation standards (SACSCOC), and Texas A&M System and THECB reporting requirements.  This committee meets on a monthly basis during the long semesters.

The A&M-SA Institutional Effectiveness Committee will:

  1. Evaluate alignment of student learning outcomes and departmental performance indicators with the University's strategic plan (CR 2.5)
  2. Review IEPs and IERs and provide feedback to departments, based on expectations outlined in CS 3.3.1:
    • assessment of educational programs
    • assessment of administrative support services
    • assessment of academic and student support units
    • assessment of research
    • assessment of community/public service
  3. Review core curriculum assessment for achievement of student learning outcomes and alignment with TAMUS learning outcomes (CS 3.5.1)
  4. Evaluates university-wide student achievement (FR 4.1)
  5. Support the University's reaffirmation efforts, including, but not limited to, reviewing compliance documents, providing input on compliance issues, development of the quality enhancement plan (QEP; CR 2.12 and CS 3.3.2) and assisting with SACSCOC site visits

The standards referenced above are described in detail in the SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement: SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation.

Members of the IE Committee include:

William Bush, Co-chair, College of Arts & Sciences
Jane Mims, Co-chair, Academic Affairs
Lloyd Butler, Business Affairs
Mary Kay Cooper, University Advancement
Joselyn Del Pilar, College of Arts & Sciences
Daniel Glaser, College of Business
Melissa Jozwiak, College of Education and Human Development
Leonard Love, College of Business
Art Olague, Student Affairs
Edward Westermann, College of Arts & Science

If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to share with the IE committee, please contact either of the co-chairs:  Jane Mims or Bill Bush.